View Full Version : Worried I have ovarian cancer

25-04-17, 05:18
about two weeks now out of nowhere I have pain in right side on the waist hip and into thigh. I thought it was muscle but now I'm not sure. It feels good to walk but to lean with hip out it hurts to sit it hurts laying down sometimes feels good. I'm worry that I have a tumor on ovary and that is what is causing pain. I don't have bloating or stomach pain. It hurts more when. I have to pee. I don't want to go to dr I had an ultrasound in sept and it was clear. I'm really In pain if I knew it wasn't anything bad I won't be as worried but since it's not going away or getting better I'm worried . Do you think this is cancer or something not as bad I really don't want to deal with this

26-04-17, 04:17
Please someone answer it hurts and when I touch my side hip feels like a bruise

26-04-17, 04:33
Ok first off BREATH sweetie. If you had an ultrasound in September? You do not have a tumor.

Where are you in your cycle? Also how old are you?

When I turned about 26? I started getting cysts on my ovaries when I ovulated. It was normal but I could just feel the pain more than others because I was focusing on it.

Also what have you been eating? Anxiety can cause gas and coupled with certain foods? You might have severe bloating from PMS that is leading to your pains

26-04-17, 06:54
I'm 30 my period ended last week. I've been having pain two weeks it hurts near right hip side into leg and groin. Feels good in certain positions

26-04-17, 19:44
My pain is going up sides now other side too but this side still hurts more. I don't want to go to go to dr again I as hoping it was muscular but I'm scared it's a tumor

27-04-17, 07:42
Please someone im scared I'm dying I'm laying down and having pain in ovary

27-04-17, 19:43
Why won't anyone help no one have these symptoms before I woke up today like I'm bruised from waist down and I read about someone having ovarian cancer only had hip pain

29-04-17, 22:28
Someone answer me I still have the pain now it's going In back groin other side not as bad and I'm having shoulder pain too which is another symptom I'm freaking out not going to dr again someone calm me down

29-04-17, 23:19

Okay deep breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth. Put some relaxing music on. Right now, your alright. Your at your computer or on your phone, your experiencing a lot of anxiety and anxiety can make it feel like the world is ending when it isn't.

You say that it's around your right ovary and groin. A few things from my personal experiences. I went to hospital last year when I had really severe pain in my right ovary, after examinations and ultra sound, a surgeon spoke to me and told me that I have cysts which are normal, sometimes they can pop to release an egg and for some reason it really hurt, usually it doesn't but they ruled everything else out.

If it's on your right side I think it would be a good idea to get it checked as when I was being examined, they were more concerned about appendicitis, I didn't have it but they had to check out all that stuff as well. Just a thought, I'm not saying that's what it is, but just saying if your feeling iffy it may be worth just asking your doctor to make sure everything is in order there. Like I said, I went in and had to be kept for observation and it all sorted itself out in the end, ovary just didn't like poppage of cyst, I was sent home after they gave me a nice cuppa tea to calm me down :)

Also, lower groin area. I had the misfortune to experience a muscle dislocating randomly and oh boy it hurt in my lower right abdomen down into my thigh and around there. I thought I had cancer, was scared out of my mind and in pain. It wasn't, just a wayward muscle that slipped out. GP poked and prodded me like they do and told me to take it easy for awhile, body sorted itself after a week or so and now if it happens again I know what it is.

Most likely, it's not anything too serious. You've got a lot of muscles and ovaries are always going through their phases to ready the body again for the next time you menstruate :) it can be a right pain! Literally!

If your tense your shoulders could be getting tired from having the extra stress on them from that tension and cause aches and pains.

30-04-17, 04:29
I'm really worried about the hip and waist pain. I'm sitting here and it hurts no reason I have ache in lower back both sides and pain in side of waist and hip hurt when I press on it.I know my anxiety probably makes it worse. I'm hoping that the fact the pain is all over makes it less likely a tumor what do you think

---------- Post added at 03:29 ---------- Previous post was at 02:30 ----------

Also I had ultrasound in September dr said it was good but one of ovaries was hidden she didn't think anything wrong with it but what if that meant cancer

30-04-17, 05:01
I had ultrasound in September dr said it was good but one of ovaries was hidden she didn't think anything wrong with it but what if that meant cancer

What if it meant exactly as she said? Nothing is wrong. Has any of the fears you've had in the last three years been realized? You can come back with the classic "What if" but it's no different than the dozens of other fears.

Bottom line is always... If you're that concerned see your doctor. I don't believe it's anything sinister (probably muscular) and I have a "Told ya so" all ready for you ;)

Positive thoughts