View Full Version : New .. constant leg pains :(

25-04-17, 05:20
Hi everyone

I'm new here .. mind you I used to be a ritual forum reader about three years ago when my HA spiked really badly. Mainly my heart was my biggest then moved onto my brain and so on so forth. I moved awsy and it magically disappeared I moved to a very small island in Canada where my life felt so much better and my HA just vanished. Until now .. for a job my husband had to move back home and now it's started up again . I have had a shooting pain up my leg leg not localized everywhere it can be when I'm laying down it can be when I'm sitting it's sharp lasts for a few seconds and goes away. Sometimes I feel it in my feet .. sometimes I feel it in both legs sometimes up my arm .. I'm terrified it could be a blood clot. I went to the hospital not long ago and they took blood work but mainly for a pregnancy test doc didn't explain what else for and I never mentioned my leg pain. Therefore not sure if anything would pop up. My husband is a medic and re assures me it's not a clot .. but this paIn is brutal and I'm not sure what to do? It's been three days now and it's still consistent .. I'm scared it will lead to a PE ... I can't handle the thought of leaving my husband.

Sorry this is so long .. I just need some support or help on what to do if I should mke an appt with my GP.

25-04-17, 06:08
You mentioned you moved where you carrying heavy stuff during the move? Or how long did you sit for the move? It could be an irritated nerve. I had the DVT fears hard for a season so I had gone through the ER visits and I was told many times by doctors many things about DVTs and I was no were near the pains or symptoms of it. My symptoms were like yours pain in the back of leg. I couldn't be comfortable sitting or standing and at one point even laying down. and the pain you describe is typically nerve pain.

25-04-17, 12:24
I moved over a year ago .. this is just the first time I've posted because I have been trying to deal with it as well as I can.