View Full Version : Asbestos help

25-04-17, 06:46
Hello there , I haven't posted in a very long time but my anxiety is back and I am very scared. I am in France and staying at this one house that has this hole in the wall near ceiling . I used a rag to try and cover it up with a pole as I was scared of a bird coming in or something . The rag wouldn't stay and fell down twice. I noticed this greyish black little pieces on the rag on below where I tried to put rag. I immediately thought asbestos . Within 20 mins all my stuff was cleared out and I left the place . Before I stood on the desk while trying not to breath to look close at the hole, and in the hole looked like some dark hairy substance. This house was very old probably from the 18th 19th century.

The window was open blowing fresh air in entire tome ,but now I am freaked out.
Below is the image of the wall

So I used a pole with a rag cloth to try and cover it , but after 2 attempts it didn't work. I then noticed that some of the black crumbles and some dust or something was on the rag , and on the table below . I quickly through out the rag and wet another cloth to wipe off table. I am worried that maybe some of the cloth went into the hole and pulled out some of the interior substances . I left the place within 20 minutes after this. I don't really get the cloth into the hole , as it wouldn't stay and it was small, so I am not sure to what level the cloth touched the interior . But the surrounding wall was solid allowing for no give to actually stuff it in. Both attempts were pretty futile , and not rough.

25-04-17, 11:56
Anyone able to help or offer insight ?
Thank you

25-04-17, 12:59
Personally, I think you totally overreacted :shrug: Asbestos was used from around the 1930's to the 1950's so it wouldn't be in the walls of a home from the 18th/19th century.

It was probably just some normal dirt/dust/debris and there's no way that would pose a threat (except in your mind).

Positive thoughts

25-04-17, 14:40
I think you should go back, unpack and get on with your day. Are you on holiday?

25-04-17, 15:05
Samba, This is a symptom of your anxiety. Years ago, at my worst point, I was convinced about all sorts of odd things...food was poisonous for example if it had a sprinkling on it of something I didnt recognise. I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt this is absestos, infact I'd put big money on it. Having lived in a very old property the old plaster is crumbly, dusty and fibrous, it breaks apart quite easily. I think you should go back and unpack too.....why not say something to the owner of the property...what made that hole in the corner? Then that leads you into asking about old plaster or something....to confirm its not abestos.

18-07-17, 05:44
i went to a community center for 5 years, and they didn't give a shit about broken ceilings. I sat in the same room for 4 hours a week, for 5 years. I think I'm in a worse scenario than you, but I think you'll be fine. However, I think I won't, I'll just be here until i turn 40

18-07-17, 06:28
i went to a community center for 5 years, and they didn't give a shit about broken ceilings. I sat in the same room for 4 hours a week, for 5 years. I think I'm in a worse scenario than you, but I think you'll be fine. However, I think I won't, I'll just be here until i turn 40

In the UK they went through a period of removing asbestos from our schools. This was long after I went through school. If fibres aren't disturbed, it doesn't matter.

18-07-17, 12:47
However, I think I won't, I'll just be here until i turn 40

Kid, I don't think it's fair go on other people's threads who are having similar issues spreading your own irrational fears.

---------- Post added at 12:47 ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 ----------

In the UK they went through a period of removing asbestos from our schools. This was long after I went through school. If fibres aren't disturbed, it doesn't matter.

Indeed, if asbestos was the inevitable deadly problem people here think it, literally all our parents and grandparents would have died from asbestosis.

18-07-17, 16:03
Additionally, the amount of exposure has a lot to do with the danger even if it WAS asbestos, which I doubt it is very much. There are many people who worked with the stuff that got sick--true. But there are also a lot of people who worked with the stuff who didn't ever get sick as well.

18-07-17, 21:41
will be horse hair in the plaster my friend. take it easy👍

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18-07-17, 22:27
That doesn't really look or sound like asbestos to me. Also it's usually only is an issue when its disturbed continuously over a long period of time. I've had asbestos pipe insulation and tiles in my house. But if you really are worried about it spray it down with water then shove the rag in the hole. My great uncle died of asbestosis in his 70s but he was a plumber and was exposed to it everyday for 40 years or more. The type of people that are affect by it are the ones directly exposed over a long period of time. I even talked to my doctor about having it for years in my house and he said the chances of having negative affects from it are minuscule.