View Full Version : help please :( is this whooping cough?

25-04-17, 09:39
I've become worried that this choking cough I've got thats making me go into choking fits, and clear sticky phlegm, and general ill feeling and no appetite, is whooping cough, its episodes of the cough, sometimes it goes away for a wee while but myy throat is always feeling irritated with phlegm and like i have to clear it.

The thing I'm worried about now is what if this is actually whooping cough as my mum has now started a low level cough and I am terrified that maybe we have both not been vaccinated against whooping cough :((((

I can not cope, she is having to look after me right now and I am worried she is going to start having choking fits like me :(((( and even worse what if we both were at the same time, we have no other family close so nobody could come and look after her if she gets this too :((((

oh my goodness, I don't know what to do right now and am in such an anxious mess.

I might phone the hospital back today they took a sample from my cheeks the other day to see whether i have the cough bug thats going around, if they said it came back saying I do then it can't be the whooping cough, but this cough is getting me into choking fits my throat is going into spasms, I need some medicine for these throat spasms and something to help me sleep, but no doctors are listening to me :(((( because i only get the cough in fits , sometimes, and funnily enough whenever I was in the doctors or hospital they never saw me choking

Also, every doctor and person from the hopsital thats seen me has simply said a cough virus... but I feel this is way more severe than that. I do think the coughing and choking fits are making me panicy though anf last night I think I had a panic attack after one of these choking fits I had, whicih could have possibly been brought on by feeling a bit more anxious, the only reason I think it was an anxiety attack last night was because i then had to go to the toilet pretty quick (runs sorry tmi).

Its like ive got phlegm stuck down in my throat though but it won't come up and when I cough it just makes me actually start choking.

25-04-17, 10:08
My daughter had WC last year (even though she was vaccinated against it). It was reasonably mild - but when she went into a coughing fit it was uncontrollable and it really did choke her up for a good 10-15 seconds. It lasted for nearly 4 months and she would occasionally cough after this if she over exerted or got a cold. She was never really unwell with it (that's why myself and the Dr didn't suspect it and only tested to be on safe side) - just the really annoying cough (which resulted in a small vomit afterwards).
Chances are you just have a lingering virus type cough. Don't stress too much over it being WC and if it is there is nothing you can do anyway. My daughter took a course of anti b's once diagnosed so that she wouldn't pass it on - but our Dr thought she had passed the contagious phase anyway.
We were advised to stay away from families with really small children/babies, pregnant ladies, elderly people and anyone who was immune suppressed. Nobody else in our family caught it from her.
All the best.

25-04-17, 10:14
Okay I'll try not to stress about it and keep assuming its a virus cough. I'm sure my mum and me must have been vaccinated :S if it was as a child you get it.

I'll just try and distract myself. My mum seems to have something different to me anyway and something different to how mine started, I think its a cold she has. I hope.

25-04-17, 13:01
every doctor and person from the hopsital thats seen me has simply said a cough virus... .

And that's what it is...

Positive thoughts