View Full Version : Feel incredibly anxious

25-04-17, 10:07
Hi all,

I'm in the UK and have a business meetup with our overseas branch coming up that looks like it might be unavoidable - at least not without a good excuse.

I'd have to travel internationally to USA/Canada (not sure yet) and just the thought fills me with anxiety. I'm so used to a routine, I think it's the unknowns that are getting at me:

- How do I get my money converted?
- What if I don't have enough?
- How will I get to/from the airports?
- What if I miss my flights?
- How do I find my way around the airports?
- Do I need to get another phone? (UK phone)
- If I'm getting taxis how do I avoid being ripped off?
- Where will I eat?
- What if I make an ass of myself in front of these people?
- What if I don't like these people? (I hardly know them, and I'll probably be alone otherwise)
- How do I navigate an area I don't know very well?
- What If i get lost?

I know some of these are silly, it's just whilst most people might feel happy/excited about a trip, I just feel worried/nervous/anxious and questions like the above just keep running through my head. It's the same even if I travel within the UK - I get worried and have this underlying feeling of dread. My comfort zone is so small. I wish I could just have someone with me who I know I can fall back on if I need help.

Not really sure what I'm expecting in terms of help but I feel slightly better just getting this down.

25-04-17, 11:04
Hi Richy and welcome aboard :) That is some list to get through and tbh with you I would panic too (don't normally though ) Is this your first big business trip? The fact that your routine is changing can also affect us :) So here goes. I will do my best for you: Uk Banks will change your English Currency for you check the best rates before changing it :) Your destination county will also do this for you if you run out but again check for best rates and check there are no hidden charges Shop around!

Before you actually go abroad find out as much as you can about the countries you are going to, simply by gong on line and doing your research on each country this will really help you to stay ahead :) as for airports and getting around etc you could try calling them prior to you traveling to them this is something you can check by calling the airport(s) directly also check on security arrangements what you can take with and what you cant etc very important you check on this too :)

No Your phone will work and data roaming charges have been relaxed some what depends on your Telecom provider and the country you are visiting be aware of this so check with your phone provider (eg: Vodafone)
Security wise (a lot of people don't think it's that important even in the UK) make sure your phone/ Laptop or any other device has good security installed on them and keep checking for new updated versions too :)
One Particular one I have on my phone and now my Windows Pc is 360 Total Security it's X-Platform meaning is available for many different devices and it's totally Free to download/install :)

Again things like eating out etc the people you are meeting you there might already know but again find out as much as you can about a country and it's culture and it's way of life get as much info as you can and print off pages that are relevant to your country you are going too.

As for making your self a ass lol is this the first business trip you have gone on? Have you met any of them before? It can be daunting and they too maybe be in the same boat as you! You could try taking some Rescue Remedy (completely safe and natural product) designed to help reduce anxiety (four drops on your tounge 30 mins before you anticipate any thing stressful ) and you can top up when needed too! No nasty side effects either :)

You can get apps for if you are lost in a country you don't know it will show map view/street view etc for free but do check for any hidden in app purchases too!!

Also travel insurance you will need this very important and medical cover in case of a emergency when abroad check T&C's for what you will be covered for and what you wont be covered for Actually the company you work for should be arranging certain things like flights/accommodation/Insurance etc or are you expected to do it all? Good luck hope this helps somewhat :)

25-04-17, 11:06
It's understandable that you feel nervous about it, it's something out of your comfort zone that you maybe wouldn't do if you didn't have to. But it's good to not let anxiety win and step out of your comfort zone anyway..

Sure there's things that could go different than expected, but even if they did, it's not the end of the world. You listed some questions you ask yourself about things that could go wrong, but ask yourself even if they did will it really be THAT bad? Even if you'd get ripped off in a taxi, you'll learn from that and won't let it happen again right? Even if you'd miss your flight (very unlikely) it's not the worst thing that can happen, you'll be fine. There's a solution for every problem. And like said above doing research will help you worry less because you're prepared

It's hard not to overthink, i would too, that's what anxiety does. But i'm sure everything will go right for you and who knows you might actually enjoy the trip, good luck :)

25-04-17, 11:27
Where in the US do you think you'll be going? I'm an American and maybe can answer some of those questions :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

25-04-17, 12:03
Hi Richy123,

You are certainly overwhelmed but that is normal in most people faced with your situation. Saying that, I remember when at my worst, panic, agoraphobic etc, I had to go away for work for two weeks. The thought alone sent me into panic and on the morning I left I was beside myself. I had to go, the thought that I would be housebound and not able to provide for the family was not an option. I would have multiple panic attacks a day, life was horrendous. The thing is, if you don't push yourself, anxiety will tighten it's grip and it will be worse when you face your next challenge. I can guarantee that on this trip, everything will go well and you will be just fine. It probably doesn't feel that way now but it will and when you return you will feel increased control because you were assertive and won the battle. I'll send support your way anytime, feel free to message. I recovered completely from my anxiety issues and dedicate time now to helping others. All the best.

18-06-17, 01:37
Hey Richy123,
I know that travel anxiety is shared by many others too. Not just ravel anxiety but fear of the unknown. If you want to read on one women's success story of overcoming her travel fears, you can look here:https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/how-to-overcome-anxiety/
This site has some tips too:http://www.wheresmydopamine.com/travel-fear-unknown-insights-brain/

--BEST of LUCK--