View Full Version : Is this REALLY anxiety?

25-04-17, 10:12
I have this problem where as soon as i leave my house, i start to feel very uncomfortable. Especially when i go to busy places like a shopping mall. A supermarket is even worse as i can't get out very quickly. It's almost unbearable, i just feel 'trapped' and on the verge of panic.

When i try to push myself to stay longer and tell myself it's just anxiety i become afriad that if i stay any longer i will lose my mind and lose all control. It's like...if i want to stay sane i better go back home. And when i'm home i feel fine again...

In places with lots of people around me i just get so dizzy and feel out of it. Like my mind isn't focused and clear. When i'm with someone it's a little better because i can talk and that's a distraction. But i need to be able to just go places on my own. I'm 27 and otherwise healthy but this is really limiting my life!

I've been diagnosed with anxiety/panic a few times but i'm worried now, what if this is a very dangerous mental illness that i'm overlooking?

25-04-17, 11:27
This sounds like classic anxiety,
I feel exactly the same, I have done for years, this is what made me agoraphobic because I only felt safe at home so stopped going out which is apparently the worse thing you can do as it make the fear worse.

I still struggle with busy places but I try and ride it out, and sometimes have to leave until I feel a bit better.
I do sympathise as it is horrible and really hard to accept its anxiety but there are lots of people here that I know feel the same and it helps to know you are not alone.

25-04-17, 11:43
I have this problem where as soon as i leave my house, i start to feel very uncomfortable. Especially when i go to busy places like a shopping mall. A supermarket is even worse as i can't get out very quickly. It's almost unbearable, i just feel 'trapped' and on the verge of panic.

When i try to push myself to stay longer and tell myself it's just anxiety i become afriad that if i stay any longer i will lose my mind and lose all control. It's like...if i want to stay sane i better go back home. And when i'm home i feel fine again...

In places with lots of people around me i just get so dizzy and feel out of it. Like my mind isn't focused and clear. When i'm with someone it's a little better because i can talk and that's a distraction. But i need to be able to just go places on my own. I'm 27 and otherwise healthy but this is really limiting my life!

I've been diagnosed with anxiety/panic a few times but i'm worried now, what if this is a very dangerous mental illness that i'm overlooking?

Yep anxiety with a bit of panic thrown in for the measure. How you have described it is exactly how I feel daily. Anywhere I go, I have just had to go and buy a brand new car and I sat there at the dealers in high anxiety mode - I am and have tried so many meds (currently mirtazapine/seroquel/propranolol and hydroxyzine) and none have really helped me except forcing myself to do it and not rely on emergency meds if that makes sense? It's horrible feeling I wouldn't wish it on anyone :-( x

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25-04-17, 21:07
I feel like you're dealing with a common anxiety issue that plenty of us deal with. I find solace in it in the fact others have dealt with the same thing and have overcome the issue.

When theres a ton of people around you, I know what you're dealing with. You feel lost and confused about what is going on. I like to put myself in difficult situations like this multiple times. Why? Because the more I'm out of my comfort zone, the more I find myself feeling more and more comfortable getting out there.

And yes, you are definitely dealing with typical anxiety, and be glad it hasn't hurt you negatively as much as it has for other people. It;s scary at the moment but you will get stronger the more you deal with it.

I hate the nauseous feeling when you're nervous or when you're around a busy place.

What's important Is that you're healthy and active. That already can remove a lot of the general anxiety you're already currently dealing with.

26-04-17, 11:35
Thanks for all the reassurance and also the advice, i too try to go to busy situations multiple times a day to try and conquer this, but often i get overwhelmed and just feel like i have to go back home to calm down again.

I often get this hot flash together with unreality feeling and it just makes me really want to go home asap. I hate that feeling so much, it's very uncomfortable. Does anyone else get this?

26-04-17, 11:46
Hi Panda 22,

I get the hot flashes at the same time of the day and they so annoy me, try and say stop and relax to take your mind off this feeling, sometimes it helps for.

Take care xx

26-04-17, 22:29
I'm seriously thinking about starting a medication tbh..

I've never taken medication before in my life but i don't want to continue like this for years...i need some help

If i get on a anti depressent, could it have a positive affect on my anxiety too? I tried on my own without medication for years but it's not getting much better.. does anyone know a good medication that would help both my depression and anxiety? Thanks guys

27-04-17, 06:38
Yeah, that's an absolute classic of an example of anxiety/panic. Thats very much how mine first started off.

I exposure therapy, I would be going into shops and staying in there for a period of time to allow the anxiety to fade. This does work but it's very hard at first and it's not a matter of diving in at the deep end, a graduated approach is known to work better, as shown in Exposure Response Prevention (ERP).

I would need the escape, always be aware of exits. I felt like I might lose control of my bowels, I had nausea so worried about being sick, felt overwhelemed by the noise & bright lights, the queues were hard as I felt even more trapped & focussed on by others, etc.

But now I can all this no problem. It took lots of repetition and pushing the boundaries further but it works.

Meds can help lower your anxiety if you can't do it alone. Meds can mean increased symptoms for the first 4-6 weeks in many cases so their effectiveness has to be judged over a longer period really.