View Full Version : Health Anxiety/Somatic Symptom Disorder/Cancer Phobia

25-04-17, 15:01
Hello All,

I am looking for some help/guidance as I really don’t know what to do anymore. For the past 3 months I have been seeing a therapist and am on 15 mg of mirtazapine. I am a 24 year old male who has seen roughly 15 different doctors since January, by every blood test is healthy. I have this fear that I have cancer. Any mole or scab is cancer. Any bowl movement is cancer as I think I see blood, although I’ve had 2 negative fecal occult tests since January. I can’t tell whether or not im having shortness of breath, and I get scared about a lymph node in my neck that is 7mm. any ache and pain I get I think cancer is causing it. I don’t know what to do anymore as I’m giving it everything I have. I don’t trust doctors since they misdiagnosed my brother who had and now is in remission with a rare auto immune disease. My mother has had breast cancer twice and has won both times. I know I have severe health anxiety and somatic symptom disorder, but I cannot grasp the fact that I am healthy and im too busy worrying that im not enjoying my life. I ask that people with this experience share their experience with me as im not seeking re-assurance, but rather some insight and hope. Thank you all for reading!

25-04-17, 21:49
Hi, Just want to let you know you are not alone in your fears I do am suffering the same anxieties right now and am seeing a therapist. Well done on entering therapy. Reading your story and what has happened in your family I'm not surprised you are suffering from health anxiety, I think it's a very normal reaction to the traumas you have been through, the two people who you are closest too have suffered ill health of course you are going to believe it will happen to you. My only advice I can give is be kind to yourself, rest when needed, carry on with you therapy and taking your meds and you will be heading in the right direction. People keep telling me there is light at the end of the tunnel but we have to find the strength to walk up to it x