View Full Version : kidney lump

25-04-17, 17:50
Hi my friend has just found out she has a lump on her kidney and is going wild with worry �� she's just had what they thought was a kidney stone but recent scan showed that had gone.she's also bleeding out of her bump sorry TMI has anyone had a kidney lump and been ok ?

26-04-17, 00:00
Oh dear ��

27-04-17, 00:24
Oh double dear ��

27-04-17, 07:53
Don't take any lack of answers to mean anything, this is a forum about anxiety, not medical issues, and no-one is qualified to give an answer on this. I hope everything turns out OK.

27-04-17, 15:54
Thankyou ��

27-04-17, 16:31
I agree, Beckie, this is a situation where you need her doctor's to give their opinion on her condition. Then you can deal with how to get through it.

Without having the medical knowledge to understand it, and it's not possible anyway without seeing her notes, everyone is guessing here and so all we can really do is give advice about handling your anxiety, her anxiety and try to be supportive of you.

This will also likely be an interesting test of your own anxiety, won't it? Whilst no one wants anyone to have to go through any ill health, there will be some lessons that come from it for yourself.