View Full Version : The feeling of 'air stuck in my throat' that I can't exhale

25-04-17, 20:06
So currently I am dealing with a lot of anxiety that is mainly caused by the anxiety symptoms itself lol. But for past 2 days I've been doing pretty well.

One of my main symptoms atm is constant pressure in my ears (im assuming thats due to tmj) and the feeling of pressure in my head that comes and goes. I know they are anxiety related so there's that, but they are still very annoying.

Anyway I also keep feeling like there's a ball of air stuck somewhere on the top of my throat (like between my mouth and nose) that I am not able to exhale - its a bit easier if I exhale through my mouth but it constantly feels like I am holding it in. I am doing meditation & mindfullness exercises but I still find it very difficult to get rid of it. My doctor has told me that I apparently hold in a lot of air in when I'm anxious so i know that is the case, I don't know however if the feeling of this air stuck in my throat is just a feeling or actual air I'm holding in.

Anyway I was wondering if anyone gets this feeling as well and if anyone has any tips on any specific breathing exercises/meditation techniques idk even yoga lol that could maybe help this?

EDIT: I tried googling it and it keeps taking me to medical related websites/forums which I don't want to go on not to trigger my HA so if anyone could help it would be great :) Also I don't think it's acid reflux, at least it doesn't feel like that.

25-04-17, 21:11
interesting story. I've never heard of anything like this. It's either in your head or something because this is such an interesting type of anxiety I've never dealt with. Yes, continue with the yoga. and try learning about different types of breathing exercises.I feel like if you exhale for 10+ seconds, you'll be able to get rid of any extra air (or at least out of your mind). It's definitely some kind of anxiety that is going to affect your overall health and how your mind sees your breathing.

I think you're just a little nervous about it, but I do believe you re completely fine and it could mainly just be in your head.

25-04-17, 22:19
Yeah im sure its just a symptom of anxiety its just annoying and making me uneasy.

it could also just be muscle tension i guess and the whole "air thing" could be just a feeling and it has nothing to do with actual air, but i was just wondering if anyone has experienced that

google tells me its probably acid reflux and it doesnt feel like it but maybe?? who knows

26-04-17, 03:47
I get this. It sucks and it's annoying

26-04-17, 16:51
do you think for you is actual acid reflux or just air? and did you find anything that makes it better?

im starting to think its worse after i drink/eat rather than on an empty stomach in the morning but it could be im just imagining it bc now google told me its acid reflux haha

26-04-17, 18:05
Foods make it worse. I ate tacos last night and was up all night because I felt like I was gonna choke. It is literally gas trapped in my body.

If I avoid certain foods, especially greasy stuff and dairy, it gets better.

This may be gross but it works... massaging my stomach and in between my ribs and eventually I'll burp and feel better.