View Full Version : please help me im not even living and im just 19

25-04-17, 21:50
Im only 19 and for years been having plenty unexplainable physical symptoms and cannot be diagnosed with anything, my body is mildly in pain. ribs chest shoulders, arms, neck, throat, behind ears, under ears, face, even scalp are slightly sore to the touch. I have bouncy/shaky/on boat vision when I wake up or laying down to sleep, when I wake up I feel weakness on my head slight pinchy weird feeling in my temple sometimes right sometimes left and have weird throat/tongue fears. Months ago my tongue symptoms were incredible, every moment I thought that I could swallow my tongue, I am feeling better of that now but still sometimes I feel like that especially in the right side of mouth. the sides of jaw feel sore and sometimes i feel like its harder talking/pronouncing even though none notices changes in my speech. I hate the doctors here, they cannot diagnose hell and they think that I fake my symptoms, hell I dont look sick on the outside no dizziness no nausea no vomiting no fever, nothing of that ill stuff, my heart beats fast almost all the time and i can feel it sometimes in my ears sometimes even in my mouth when yawning its so weird. On top of that I have double vision for 6 years, its not the typical double vision its double on unfocused nearby objects up to 15m distance, was given some excercises which I didn't do it's quite silly, im tired of this all and I want to end mylife, even if its sin i dont even care anymore, why the heck do i have to go through all of this, i have bad sinuses too. i take paroxetine 20mg for 35days, not even a bit helpful, even though i live, i can do all activities, i have no fatigue and not look sick on the outside im tired, i want to end my life. this is over the top now i hate it. it all started with blurry vision 7 years ago and followed by dizziness which lasted for years but both are gone now, now i deal with this stuff, hell at 12 i started googling and was convinced that I had brain tumor which i did not, then read about 1000 illnesses and found myself there. I hate living this life, what tests should I do? I had blood work done, numerous ekgs, numerous ent visits, 2 neuro visits, x-ray of neck and back, tomorrow doing CT of brain im dying atm

25-04-17, 22:07
I know it's probably not what you want to hear, but all of those symptoms you listed all point to anxiety. I know it's hard to accept that anxiety disorders could cause so many different symptoms, but I swear it's the truth.

You're even going so far as to say you hate doctors because you don't believe they can diagnose you, but the truth of the matter is that there is nothing to diagnose except anxiety and I imagine all the tests they've put you through is because they honestly don't know how else to get you to believe them, but evidently no amount of testing in the world is going to reassure you.

I know you're taking paroxetine and say it's not working, but that's not the be all end all, there are many other avenues you can take to cure your anxiety but you have to be the one to take the next step. Discuss other forms of treatment with your doctor.

The chances of you having a severe illness that requires all the tests you've had or are currently having at your age are so small it's not even worth considering. I know you probably think it's a mad idea, but you should not have any more tests after this because at this point all you're doing is feeding your anxiety.

I sincerely hope you manage to find something to get this anxiety under control, because I can tell you as a long time sufferer that it's no way to live.

Best of luck to you

26-04-17, 08:08
You're not dying. You have a serious illness known as anxiety.

You need to be seen by a therapist. You also need to express your thoughts to your GP as they will take this very seriously.

You will never get to the bottom of this no matter how many clinical examinations you have.

26-04-17, 12:37
As said by other guys, its simply anxiety. i was in the same stage 6 months back troubled myself and put me in to IBS. Now i am undergoing diet for that.
For my head ache, sinus & dizziness, i inhaled steam (water + eucliptous capsule ) 2 times a day for couple of days. it vanished.

Hope this helps.:yesyes:

26-04-17, 15:21
I'm with the others that this definitely sounds like anxiety and you need to talk to your dr about this anxiety. All your symptoms you've had? I've had too from anxiety. I can go from fine to dizziness, stomach issues, cold hands, trembling, stuttering in 3 seconds flat if I let myself. I refuse to let myself