View Full Version : Wisdom tooth removal

25-04-17, 23:29
Im getting my lower impacted wisdom tooth out tomorrow morning and im absolutely petrified. Ive heard that people have died from having complications. Im having it done under local anaesthetic so i will be awake for the whole thing. Whats the chances of death from having it out? I really dont want to go😣

26-04-17, 00:03
You'll be fine, trust me.

Think about it this way. People have been getting wisdom teeth out for a loooooong time, i'm willing to bet 99.9% of them did not die, especially in the days of modern medicine. If you look hard enough, you'll find a horror story about anything.

It will be uncomfortable, but you are absolutely not going to die from a wisdom tooth extraction. :)

26-04-17, 11:34
So ice had it done. Honestly, the worst thing ive ever experienced, felt like he was going to break my jaw!! It hurts alot now and i have earache and sudden movements hurt my gum. Guess ill have to wait and see if the pain goes away in a few days. Glad its out though!

26-04-17, 12:35
Emily, It will take quite a while for your gum to heal. I remember having mine done. Hope you have some straws handy x

26-04-17, 21:18
Tell the person tomorrow you are scared. Make sure you have plenty of tissues/handichiefs etc handy. Also have plenty of soft foods like angel delight if you can managed that. Chances of dying very little

27-04-17, 12:44
Day 2 and i have a really bad taste in my mouth and feel weird, my cheek is really badly swollen. Does tbe bad taste sound like an infection??

27-04-17, 19:01
If I remember rightly I was given antibiotics before removal. My face on one side was bruised too. Maybe you could ring the dentist receptionist and tell them how you are going on if it gets worse. All the best

27-04-17, 19:28
Ive just been to a&e after ringing 111 about the bleeding. The doctor there said it looks fine but to use gauses everytime it bleeds to form a clot. The dentist only left mine in for like 3 minutes!!! No wonder its bleeding. The doctor told me to go to my doctor aswell to get aome antibiotics as a precaution. Doesnt help that i panic about rhings like this!