View Full Version : Sunken veins in arms anyone?

26-04-17, 00:17
I posted about this a while back and got some responses, but I decided to post again in case there is anybodt with a similar issue that didn't read my previous thread. Now this isn't something I really worry about but it does have my attention and curiousity. I have visible blue veins on my arms and on my right bicep is the most visible veins they split away from each other and one runs down the center, and the other runs down into the inner part of my bicep, when my arm is elevated like when driving or hold my arm above my head this vein sinks in like there's a small trench (if you want to call it that) where the vein is like it's indented but when I lower my arm it goes back to normal and when I walk around and use that arm the vein sticks out a little like normal, I felt the left arm and I can feel an indention as well on the bicep but I have a tattoo so I can't really see any details. I mentioned my visible veins to my doctor who didn't say much as all about them. I'm 5"9 155 lbs so I'm not overweight and my arms don't have much fat at all on them, and at times the veins in my forearm seems to sink as well but it could be a crease between muscles. These veins in my bicep has felt some discomfort at times but I can't say 100% that it's the veins. I've had a echo cardiogram and loads of blood tests over the past year so I doubt it's anything heart related. What do you think? Have you or do you experience this? I just want to know if it's a normal thing.

26-04-17, 00:28
I mentioned my visible veins to my doctor who didn't say much as all about them.

That should be all you need to tell you that it's normal. Please stop feeding your anxiety like this.

All the best

26-04-17, 00:35
Feeding the dragon Legend....

Self examination... The dragon loves that! He'll have you poke and prod, shine lights down your throat, post photos of your body parts, moles, freckles, fingernails, pimples and all sorts of normal things that your skewed anxiety ridden mind sees as sinister. And nodes? He'll whisper the word node in your ear all day long and have you poke and prod until you're black and blue and sore. He'll skew your perception to make you believe their swollen when in fact that's the furthest thing from fact! He'll have you try to measure them, convincing you it's 3+cm in size when in fact it's less than one when measured by an ultrasound that you paid hard earned dollars for. And then?... he'll convince you it has to be wrong!

Positive thoughts

26-04-17, 01:36
I look at veins all day everyday.. sounds perfectly normal to me :)

26-04-17, 01:57
Lmao, fishmanpa you have a interesting way of putting things in perspective, but do a good job at it. I have found myself doing everyone of those things you mentioned plus more. I even found myself looking at my lips today, because I have something i assume is fordyce which is tiny harmless bumps (clogged glands) on the corners of my lips. I completely agree with what you say, anxiety makes us do weird things and causes us to be hyper focused on our bodies which at times makes normal occurrences seem abnormal. As guess this "dragon" lives in everyone, but some are better at keeping him contained and others do not even know about him and as for people like me we let him roam free. Thanks for the replies, I'm really starting to open my eyes and see the kind of thing I'm doing to myself and I realize it's not healthy mentally or physically to worry myself day and night. First step to recovery is admitting to the problem is what I've always been told and so I have taken that first step, now is the time to deal with the problem. I love all your advice guys and I could talk to you all day and share stories but I think I won't be posting for a while I need a break from all this and try getting my life back in order I have a good job opportunity so I'm going to jump on that and see where it takes me. I'll be back eventually with updates but hopefully my fears can be put behind me and when I return it won't be because I found something else to worry about.

26-04-17, 03:58
Here. Since february I begin to notice some visible veins in my arms, legs and feet. Bassically the whole body. I've had a doppler echocardiography, doppler of neck vessels and chest x-ray. Everything seems to be normal, according to the cardiologist.
In my case it all started with a viral infection or at least I noticed it then. I'm less worried now, but it's still there.

26-04-17, 05:19
I have visible blue veins on my arms and on my right bicep is the most visible veins they split away from each other and one runs down the center, and the other runs down into the inner part of my bicep, when my arm is elevated like when driving or hold my arm above my head this vein sinks in like there's a small trench (if you want to call it that) where the vein is like it's indented but when I lower my arm it goes back to normal and when I walk around and use that arm the vein sticks out a little like normal, I felt the left arm and I can feel an indention as well on the bicep but I have a tattoo so I can't really see any details

I have this. I have an answer for you if you are interested. It has to do with personal physiology and structure of your arm. There are muscles and tendons that contract when you elevate your arm. This changes the surface that your veins are laying on and causes them to appear to be sunken. But really it has to do with your movements and muscles. This happens in my wrists, feet, and my hands. Veins are made to flex and bend.

26-04-17, 21:59
Hi again, I am still taking a break from reading health problems online, but I will still drop by my threads to see what you guys have to say, a few days ago I did read a article about sunken veins and the possible causes, the main threat would be a blood clot, but surely if it was a clot i would have developed symptoms and its in both arms so the chances of a clot i assume is unlikely, i read something about nerves and veins getting conpressed when you raise your arm in some people and this can cause a lack of blood flow to some veins but from what i read theres not really any complications from such a condition. Health anxiety can and will consume ones life entirely, its a constant fear of the unknown and what ifs, everytime i think of my lymph nodes i feel a fear inside myself and that drives me to reassurance to try and nunb that fear. So i think taking a break from reading about it and poking them can help.

---------- Post added at 15:59 ---------- Previous post was at 15:56 ----------

My brother actually mentioned to me that he had a sore lymph node near his jaw, so I told him to feel mine and he says to me how do you even notice something that small? So obviously my nodes aren't huge but to someone with anxiety they feel huge to the touch because it's our anxiety telling us something is wrong when it probably is not .