View Full Version : One thing leads to another

26-04-17, 12:39
Is it just me or am I the only person who feels like they constantly have something physically draining them.

The last few days I've felt a real heavy head feeling and a dull headache just lingering. Then this morning my eyes start playing tricks on me. Feels like everything is just to much for my vision to handle. The sunlight, the bright computer screen, flickering in the corner of my eyes. It's really freaking me out at the moment. I just don't seem to be able to shake off these nagging physical issues.

I don't feel especially unwell, my body in general feels reasonable, it's just all my head at the moment. Full feeling, pressure, aching on top of my head and behind my eyes and then there's the visual stuff which really throws me off.

I know it's not a 24/7 thing because I'll go through periods of the day where i'll forget about it, but right now, in this moment, it's taking over my whole existence.

Anybody offer any words of encouragement?

I've been suffering on and off for 13 years with anxiety now and it really feels like the last few years have been the worst it's ever been. I feel a bit lost and stuck with what to do to get myself out of the rut.

26-04-17, 23:54
Anxiety can cause a variety of physical ailments unfortunately. I'm sure many of us have suffered what you're describing! Tell me, though, is there any chance this is caused by allergies?

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