View Full Version : Can anyone help?

26-04-17, 21:48
I have been having serious anxiety for about 6 months. I have been to my regular dr, counselor, cardiologist and ent. I have had many different symptoms and have been feeling better than i was. But i am still having differemt symptoms come and go and still feeling like something isnt right. I have had a brain catscan for headaches amd burning sensations in my head. I had a 30 day event monitor on for skipped heart beats. I have been on metoprolol er 50 mg for 7 years for blood pressure. Over the past few months my blood pressure has been high again and they added a second pill of losartan potassium 25 mg. My blood pressure still goes up and down and they also did a 24 hr urine test to check my adrenal glands. Two weeks ago i was told to take an extra 50 mg of metoprolol er everyday due to my heart racing after dinner every night for hours. Taking the extra dose has helped that but now my skipped beats are back and i feel off balance alot like im gonna fall if i dont hold onto something amd im very tired all the time. Im not sure what is going on. Some say it could be from the bp meds and some say anxiety but im worried that the skipped beats and off balance and fatigue is connected and its my heart. I am 38 years old amd have been told my symptoms could be perimenopause but gynecologist says im too young and hormone test came back fine. I also have been getting my period for a day or two midcycle and then a regular period when its regularly due. I also have sleeping issues and cant sleep or stay asleep some nights. Also i always have tight muscles in my shoulders, back and neck more on left side and i get a burning sensation in my left forearm amd a metal taste in my mouth which comes and goes.Does anyone experience any or all of these things? I am tired of worrying all the time. I will start to feel better and then i will start feeling all of these symptoms all over again. I am constantly tired. Can someone relate?