View Full Version : Anxiety over spending money

26-04-17, 22:53
I've been having ongoing problems for as long as I remember over the concept of spending money. I am currently on a fantastic wage with no debts or any financial burdens, however I cannot overcome the poor relationship I have with money.

Since a young age my parents were not wealthy and instilled an attitude in me that you must always skimp and get the best you can for the cheapest way possible. I grew up with the habit of unhealthily hoarding my money away in the bank and not enjoying myself with friends because of it. In the back of my mind when making plans was always 'How much will that cost?' and always conclude that it was too expensive and I was better off saving my money. I would say this began at the age of 15 and is even worse now at the age of 20.

I have an improved attitude towards treating myself now - I just feel very guilty afterwards and take a while to make the decision to spend money. When spending money is sprung upon me unexpectedly without having time to think about it and check my bank account I panic and become unbareable to be around. It's gotten to a point now where it is severely impacting my relationship with my boyfriend as my money anxiety becomes the focal point for our time together and ruins experiences. My family have also noticed that getting things cheap and continually focusing on money has become a real obsession.

Has anyone else experienced money related anxiety like this? Or can anyone offer any advice?

01-05-17, 20:50
I pinch and scrape with my money too. Not having a job causes that anxiety, but even when I was younger I always saved money. Sometimes I think it's an obsession. You state that you make enough money and you don't need to worry about. Why not set up a budget. That way you will know how much money you will have to have fun with, bills etc. If you keep a running balance in your checkbook you will know how much you can spend if something unexpected comes up.