View Full Version : My first post.. scared about blood test results

27-04-17, 03:05
I have had HA for a few years, but now im scared that this time its real. About a month ago i went to the hospital because i was having weakness in my legs, they sent me home saying nothing serious but to follow up with GP.
My GP sent me for Blood work yesterday and today I got a call saying need to repeat in a month because wbc was borderline low. From what she said one number below normal. Everything else was good (B12, iron, red blood count) still waiting for calcium and magnesium results. I have never got back blood results so fast!! I started a cold today and am hoping its because of that. Im so scared i just got home from a walk to calm down and my legs are so weak mostly feet and calves but it has sent me into panick thinking there is something very wrong. Im so scared of dying and leaving my kids and missing out on life. Man this sucks.

bin tenn
27-04-17, 04:15
It sucks, yes, but it could be worse. The body fighting an illness such as a cold can certainly affect those numbers. Just go back in a month as suggested and take care of it. I think it'll turn out fine.

27-04-17, 04:36
I would not overthink your blood test results. I have had good ones bad ones and ones that might effect me later in life. Nothing you can control but alot of stuff in blood results you can change diet, vitamins, meds, etc. Just let it happen no need to worry or control something that you dont know about. No fear. Good luck.

27-04-17, 11:35
I know you are both right. I am not googling yet and dont plan on it, dr google is my best friend.
Partly why I decided to post here keeps me away from it and also I think my family has had enough 😑 Thanks for the replies!!

bin tenn
27-04-17, 13:31
I'd recommend not thinking too much into blood test results. I had labs done around the beginning of Feb. My Vitamin D was quite low (15, should be >= 30). And my hemoglobin was a tad elevated, very mildly (but I'm also a smoker). Doc didn't mention anything except my cholesterol, so that's my only concern as well. I know it's hard to ignore, but you'll thank yourself for it.

Catherine S
27-04-17, 14:10
I also find that different countries have different base numbers that health is measured by. I'm English but living temporarily in Germany and my routine blood tests have a different meaning here. Just recently I was told my cholesterol levels were on the high side with a reading of 4.6 and the ideal base number for Germans is 3. In the UK 4.6 would've been a good reading as our base number was always around 5. So I wouldn't need meds for this in England, but my doctor here in Germany did suggest it which I politely declined. Blood tests in any country seem to cause more anxiety than comfort!


27-04-17, 16:56
I have to repeat blood test this year because my white cells were slightly too high, when I was chatted to the nurse before she repeated my test she asked have I had a cold recently and I say this. cold and cough.; She said this is the likely cause and my repeat test was fine.

27-04-17, 17:23
I got blood taken today and am also nervous about blood test results. One thing that reassured me is in August I got blood tests that were a total mess-high cholesterol, indications of liver disease (!), and lupus. Took it a week later and everything was normal. Hoping it will be the same for me this time. Bodies are fickle things.

27-04-17, 20:19
Thank you for the words of encouragement everyone. It really helps to hear other ppls experiences. Also feels good to know im not alone in all of these thoughts and fears.

27-04-17, 20:49
I'm right there with you, was told it would be a week for mine