View Full Version : Is she pregnant? We are very worried!

27-04-17, 03:14

Me and my girlfriend are worried about the possibility of a unplanned pregnancy.

Her period is about 9 days late. As far as I remember, we didn't do anything that could lead to a pregnancy. We make out sometimes without condom, but all the times we had sex we used it, I am sure of it. Anyway, my point is: We are together for 3 years and we did not do anything different of all the times we have sex.

However, two months ago, we had a broken condom. She took the morning-after pill about a hour after that and she had her period of that month (february), what Indicates that she was not pregnant and the pill worked.

But I heard that this pill can delay a woman's period. This sould be the third period after it. The second period came earlier, by the way.

But there is one more fact: She has Hyperthyroidism and she is treating it. Her doctor is trying to reduce her metabolism with a drug and seems like all this process can affect her period too.

Last time we had sex was in april 6th or 7th, 3 weeks ago. After 10 days, she had a little brown discharge, but she said that it's normal before her period. We also thought that it could be nidation. By the way, she is having every single symptom she always has before her period, but they are coming in a different order and intensity . She is having a thick white discharge and slight cramps. She said that it's also normal when her period is about to come, but now she is not so sure.

We made a home pregnancy test yesterday, 8 days late. Negative.

So could her period be late because of her metabolism, because of the morning-after pill or is she actually pregnant? Any accident that we didn't realize maybe? It's so unlikely! I could say that I am sure that nothing happened, but sometimes the paranoia affects the memory... We are very worried..