View Full Version : How do you handle the physical symptoms of anxiety?

27-04-17, 04:15
Learning to accept anxiety can cause a plethora of physical symptoms.. how do you treat them? Or does the anxiety have to settle down before they do? For the aches and pains do pain relievers work?

I have such tense muscles at the moment to the point of ribs hurting. Struggling to combat the mental symptoms and physical at the same time.

How do you all treat the physical ones?

27-04-17, 15:48
I don't think I really ever treat the physical symptoms other than trying to look after myself with trying to eat well, avoid alcohol, take supplements etc. which sometimes helps, although with my specific HA this can make me obsessive in these areas.

Another thing I do is taking a nice hot bath whilst doing my 'belly breaths' breathing that my therapist taught me. I have a LOT of checking behaviours with my HA and getting through a bath without checking is a real triumph for me whilst relieving some physical ailments too.

I had the same issue with sore ribs last week.

27-04-17, 16:12
Definitely OTC meds for achy muscles, headaches and tummy issues. A lot of the other things resolve as your anxiety lessens.

Positive thoughts

27-04-17, 16:56
My anxiety manifests primarily physically and has since it's huge flare-up a few years ago. I believe I've always had some sort of social anxiety, but it wasn't until those 3-4 years ago when anxiety started to manifest so heavily physically that I was in the hospital a few times and saw so many specialists that it'd make your head spin like a top.

I always and continue to fight anxiety on two fronts: The fundamental and the superficial, the former being the anxiety itself and the latter being the symptoms themselves. This has helped keep me the most at ease and helped me get through the roughest of times. Now my anxiety is mostly at bay compared to years ago, but still resonates some days.

For the anxiety itself - therapy, medication, meditation, supplementation (Fish Oil, Vitamin D), etc.

For the symptoms while I deal with the fundamental anxiety - depends on the symptom. Stomach distress? Emetrol, Tums, peppermint tea, Apple Cider Vinegar. Muscle tension? Heating pad, stretching, therapeutic massage. Fatigue? Naps, Vitamin B Complex, exercise. For basically everything - SEE A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. Getting the "all clear" from a medical professional has been one of the most potent tools in easing my physical anxiety, regardless of how it manifests. For example, I used to get the bump in my throat sensation during times of high anxiety and even chronically for a bit. I saw an ENT, he did a scope up my nose into my throat (It sounds bad, but it wasn't so bad and had to be done), ad gave me the all clear. Soon after that symptom actually disappeared 98% of the time and showed up like once or twice during times of very, very high anxiety.

I hope that this helps. One thing I always tell people is that exercise has been paramount in dealing with the stress from anxiety. My blog anxietypress.com helps people deal with anxiety from the comfort of their own home with ideas, instruction, and more. Or for people who may have a home gym or go to a commercial gym and don't want to talk to anyone like a trainer or other gym goers for help.

Best of luck!!

28-04-17, 01:18
My anxiety manifests primarily physically and has since it's huge flare-up a few years ago. I believe I've always had some sort of social anxiety, but it wasn't until those 3-4 years ago when anxiety started to manifest so heavily physically that I was in the hospital a few times and saw so many specialists that it'd make your head spin like a top.

I always and continue to fight anxiety on two fronts: The fundamental and the superficial, the former being the anxiety itself and the latter being the symptoms themselves. This has helped keep me the most at ease and helped me get through the roughest of times. Now my anxiety is mostly at bay compared to years ago, but still resonates some days.

For the anxiety itself - therapy, medication, meditation, supplementation (Fish Oil, Vitamin D), etc.

For the symptoms while I deal with the fundamental anxiety - depends on the symptom. Stomach distress? Emetrol, Tums, peppermint tea, Apple Cider Vinegar. Muscle tension? Heating pad, stretching, therapeutic massage. Fatigue? Naps, Vitamin B Complex, exercise. For basically everything - SEE A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. Getting the "all clear" from a medical professional has been one of the most potent tools in easing my physical anxiety, regardless of how it manifests. For example, I used to get the bump in my throat sensation during times of high anxiety and even chronically for a bit. I saw an ENT, he did a scope up my nose into my throat (It sounds bad, but it wasn't so bad and had to be done), ad gave me the all clear. Soon after that symptom actually disappeared 98% of the time and showed up like once or twice during times of very, very high anxiety.

I hope that this helps. One thing I always tell people is that exercise has been paramount in dealing with the stress from anxiety. My blog anxietypress.com helps people deal with anxiety from the comfort of their own home with ideas, instruction, and more. Or for people who may have a home gym or go to a commercial gym and don't want to talk to anyone like a trainer or other gym goers for help.

Best of luck!!

That was helpful thanks! I need to overcome my anxiety of going to the dr... I'm pretty much dealing with all this alone at the moment. I can't bring myself to walk through the doors. The fear of what if I'm right scares the jeepers out of me.