View Full Version : Racing thoughts/mind chatter/obsessions

27-04-17, 13:49
I am on day 8 starting Zoloft 25 mg. I have GAD and probably OCD pure-o.

I had problems on and off with racing thoughts the last year, but since three days ago my mind is going crazy. I am obsessing over everything I see or thinking about, my thoughts are racing and I get like short episodes of music in my head that I have not listen to in a long time. Words I have used repeat. I am so restless and feel wired, but at the same time so tired. I can not relax at all. Very anxious. Analyzing everything and going over conversations.

First days on Zoloft I had mostly headaches, nausea and the usual stuff. Why is it worse now after a week? I am afraid that I might be bipolar? Those with bipolar often mention racing thoughts, restlessness etc? I don't want to add an AP because of potential serious permanent side effects.

Please give me some advice :/

27-04-17, 14:20
Hi [emoji112]

So this is probably down to GAD and the sertraline causing your anxiety to spike... you say you probably have pure o has this been diagnosed?

I have exactly the same as you and I have had it really bad the last few months my brain obsessing and fixating on anything and everything... I am on 45mg mirtazapine and I also take an AP ( seroquel 250mg) - nothing has shut my brain up honestly not even the AP... try and bear with the sertraline/Zoloft and let it work it's magic on your GAD and I bet the mind chatter will calm down - also if you don't already do some exercise- I love swimming it clears my mind and boosts my confidence. Sounds cliche but it does work.

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