View Full Version : Worried about mom.

27-04-17, 15:35
I was hoping that someone on here could help me with another issue that I'm having...but not about me this time.

This morning my mom made a comment that her right armpit was really itchy. I asked her if she could feel any lumps of any kind in her armpit, and she said no she didn't feel any. I asked her how long it has been going on, and she said for about a week and a half now.

I of course think it's breast cancer since the underarm is so close to the breast and the itchiness is just a manifestation of it or something - I know, that sounds weird. But, other than the itchiness, she said nothing else is really wrong. It's just, for almost 10 days, and it's not going away, and there is no rash, I find unnerving. She's 59 years old, so she's not a younger person, and that's why I worry.

27-04-17, 16:11
I was hoping that someone on here could help me with another issue that I'm having...but not about me this time.

This morning my mom made a comment that her right armpit was really itchy. I asked her if she could feel any lumps of any kind in her armpit, and she said no she didn't feel any. I asked her how long it has been going on, and she said for about a week and a half now.

I of course think it's breast cancer since the underarm is so close to the breast and the itchiness is just a manifestation of it or something - I know, that sounds weird. But, other than the itchiness, she said nothing else is really wrong. It's just, for almost 10 days, and it's not going away, and there is no rash, I find unnerving. She's 59 years old, so she's not a younger person, and that's why I worry.

That's a pretty big leap to go from an itchy armpit to breast cancer. The first thing that popped into my mind was possibly an allergic reaction to something or just one of those things. I have an itch on my back that I've had for years... it's a harmless nerve thing.

Positive thoughts

27-04-17, 16:13
Hormones cause itching in the armpits. With your mothers age it's probably related to hormones. If she doesn't feel any lumps you should just trust her. She's been doing breast exams for years and if she follows guidelines she's had mammograms.

Also when people get older their skin needs changed. It could be anything from dry skin to allergies to her deodorant.

Warm Thoughts.

27-04-17, 16:55
I'm sorry, I just worry a lot about her since she isn't so young anymore.

I asked her when she had her last mammogram and she said 2 years ago. That's kind of why I am concerned...other than the itching she said nothing else is wrong.

She told me that it's more of a nuisance rather and a worry. I mean, I just worry that it's lymphoma or something sinister. :weep:

Is it bizarre for me to be thinking this way?

27-04-17, 17:11
I'm sorry, I just worry a lot about her since she isn't so young anymore.

I'm 58... thanks a lot! :roflmao:

Look, stuff happens as we grow older. Achy joints and all sorts of other benign but annoying symptoms. It is what it is sometimes.

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
27-04-17, 17:15
I'm 63 and have had itchy skin more or less all over since the menopause at age 49. Apparently it's hormone related dry skin, and itchy armpits can also be related to irritated hair follicles or to whichever method of hair removal your mom uses. Hair regrowth always itches wherever it is on your body.

Your mom isn't that old at 59. Didn't you know that 60 is the new 40? :D If she's not worrying why are you.


27-04-17, 20:56
fungal infections give you intense itchiness in your armpit, i know as I am very prone to them if i try using natural deoderants instead of aluminikum based antipersps. If its fungal then the skin may look red as well. fungal infections are very very common. has she changed her deoderant or soap or anything?
Anti fungal cream works for me but I always show it to a Dr first to be sure I am using right product.

28-04-17, 01:36
Yeah, itchy skin can be very common when you get older. My mum has had many itchy skin problems since she was in her fifties.

Is she on any blood pressure meds? They cause itchiness & swelling in my mum and they have to keep trying new ones, adjusting doses and giving her creams & bath lotions to combat it as it can get quite intense when a new med is kicking in.

But with it being the armpit, it could be a sweat rash thing.