View Full Version : New worry now throat

27-04-17, 15:56
So I had a cold about a month a go which has left me with a sore throat which will not go. I did a very stupid thing and decided to shine a torch down my throat and at the back of my tongue to the left is a white lump. I have panicked all night googled throat cancer images and it seemed to match. I've spent the night looking at it and poking it with a cotton bud and it moves around with the cotton bud. I went to the drs today and she looked and said she couldn't see anything no infection and she said she couldn't see a lump. It's deffo there I can see it, so now I'm wondering if she was even looking in the right place. I've tried to burst it or pick it but I don't know if it should be there. It's white/yellow and is almost In a little pocket of skin that can move around. I'm going out of my mind, I've been doing so well lately and my health anxiety has come back with avengence. The doc felt all round my neck and thrust but still I can't trust her. I came off my meds because we are trying for another baby and now this :-(

27-04-17, 16:08
Hi. I just posted with a similar concern. I had a sore throat and shone a torch. Found a similar lump. Doctor said I did have an infection but in my ear! So whilst I can't really help at least I can say hello and have the exact same HA trigger as you right now. Mine also looks whitish yellow and fleshy. I saw a nurse and she didn't really investigate what I called the 'lump' but said a lump will just be inflammation due to my ear infection. Made no sense to me at all. I am going to take my week long course of antibiotics and see if the lump goes and, if not, go back to the doctor. I had been doing really well with my health anxiety too and then my husband went away for 2 weeks and i have had two major episodes in two weeks. I think we need to take reassurance from the facts:

Mouth and throat cancers are very uncommon generally and, if you're trying for a baby, I imagine even rarer in your age bracket and in our gender. Throat pain is not normally a 'presenting' symptom. The throat is generally very bumpy and strange and full of tissues that get easily irritated or infected. If we've seen a doctor and they have said not to worry we should take some reassurance from that.

Also re: Dr Google and image search, in my case (my lump is near/around my tonsil) the images for throat/tonsil cancer do match well. But so do the photos for tonsillitis and a number of other usually harmless conditions.

I hope your pain goes away. I think we both need to stop with the prodding and checking!

27-04-17, 17:26
It's so exhausting isn't it, my throats actually feels better today but I'm so obsessed by this "lump" I've been trying to pick it but I don't know if it should be there. Ps I'm not so young ha ha I'm 37 but decided to have another baby. I keep seeing these horror stories about cancer patients everywhere. Then on the news they randomly said so many people each year have cancer hat they have visited their dr over 3 times. My minds always thinking :-( ps I agree stop the poking because we may be poking something that is meant to be there :-(x