View Full Version : With what medication(s) have you had success?

27-04-17, 16:01
Even if it was just for a short while, which medication made a somewhat positive difference in how you felt (anxiety and/or depression)?

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27-04-17, 16:48
I've tried a decent amount of medications over the years. Prozac helped me initially get rid of physical manifestations of anxiety (or at least blunt them). Welbutrin helped slightly with energy in some capacity in conjunction with the Prozac. Effexor actually was a decent medication for me. Viibryd wasn't bad for me, either, but my current Psychiatrist had me change over to Trintellix after getting a Genesight test showing that Trintellix would be more optimal given my genetics given the results of the test.

I always suggest to people that they get their hormones checked over. I am currently and will continue to be on Testosterone Replacement Therapy for life and it has helped me a fair amount with energy, confidence, etc. Plus it's good to have a baseline checked when getting a check-up anyway for future reference.

27-04-17, 17:15
While I'm not a sufferer, I've had my bouts with depression and "scanxiety" after my illnesses. I had success with Zoloft (along with therapy) and Buspar that helped with the "scanxiety" (along with therapy). I have a script of Xanax around that I can use when things get especially stressful. They came in handy when I was dealing with my wife's serious illness.

Otherwise, I still have some tricks up my sleeve from therapy and CBT that I did on my own while in therapy. Also, with everything I've gone through, I really take solace from the words in my signature. When I get a little stressed, I can always read that and know what's truly important :)

Positive thoughts

28-04-17, 00:07
I had success with Zoloft, kind of. I just really hit rock bottom with the tears, intrusive thoughts etc. So I knew I needed some help. I tried meds in the past and lasted 3 days. I found this site in my deepest despair, and I am very thankful I did, I met, all of you wonderful people. I just could not tolerate the side effects. With everyone's support here, I stuck it out for 20 days. The medication did help. I can't explain it. It's like the drugs wrapped my brain and body in a cocoon and slowed life down. However it slowed it down to much. I wasn't doing anything but sleeping, sick and lost 4 lbs and I'm a small woman. I am now drug free, no more crazy thoughts. I have learned to work with my anxiety, change my thoughts and I still see a CBT therapist. It's like the mediation knocked me on my butt and I realized this was not the way I wanted to live. So I am working very hard to live life without the medication. We can get better, you just have to be willing to work at it!

28-04-17, 03:58
I had success with Zoloft for a good 10 years, until it pooped out. No the never ending search for something else that works continues.