View Full Version : Ear irrigation blood

27-04-17, 16:47
So on Sunday I got my left ear irrigated,before the doctor irrigated it she scraped the insides of my ear,hurt quite a bit. So the next day I wake and theres blood in my ear,more dry than wet,kind of looked like when you pick a scab off. I know I shouldn't have my finger in my ear but its just a habit. Anyway,theres still blood in my ear. I went back to the urgent care place today and a doctor told me that theres a clot in my ear canal! Is that just a fancy word meaning its healing or? I had my ear irrigated this sunday,why is it still bleeding? Or dried up? I don't know..
Right now it kind of feels like theres fluid in there but I keep putting my finger in and I feel nothing.

I'm freaked out that theres blood in there because of my Luekiema worry. I kind of pinpoint every little thing I have to that worry. Any advice would be appreciated. Have any of you expirenced this?

27-04-17, 18:46
I get acne in my ear. It's normal for it to get clotty if there was blood and it sounds like they scraped your ear up pretty good. KEEP your FINGERS OUT!! You are irritating it and can cause an infection from fiddling with it.

What did the dr tell you to do? Were they worried?