View Full Version : Convinced I have cervical cancer

27-04-17, 16:55
As the title says I'm convinced I have cervical cancer .. I am having back pain, discharge and feel like I've been kicked in the vaginal no period and not preg! I feel awful I can't breath I'm so scared

04-05-17, 19:55

Do you go in for regular paps?
Also, as far as the discharge goes, you'd be surprised how weird some of the sh** that can come out of you can be...and it's perfectly normal. Hormonal stuff. I would make an appointment with an obgyn or gp and get it looked at for your peace of mind(im sure NOTHING is wrong). If nothing else, you might have a simple infection! ive been there myself.

Since you are posting on this forum....im assuming you struggle with anxiety. You'd be surprised at how anxiety can mess with..well, anything. Especially if you keep focusing on it. I'm in the midst of my own struggle right now so I know that terrifying feeling:hugs: But i'm very sure you'll be ok.(Rationally, deep down I know I will be too)

05-05-17, 13:01
I am aswell