View Full Version : Help. I am going crazy.

27-04-17, 17:31
I have a dental abscess and I've been to the dentist. He hasn't drained it and has scheduled it in some other time. I am now taking antibiotics but I'm so scared since I have been feeling different things ever since. I'm not sure if it's because of the abscess itself or the fact that I am overly anxious. Or maybe it's getting worse. Right now I have headaches and my throat tightens often. With my anxiety, I often get chest pains and tightness that last for days.

I get really scared since I have sever hypochondriasis. I can't sleep and even when I do my heart is always racing and I get up like an hour later. I feel like I'm going crazy and it doesn't help that my abscess is making me feel sick and tired. I just want to feel better already but all I seem to be is getting worse.

28-04-17, 02:15
A tight throat and headaches are very common symptoms of anxiety , so I don't think you have anything to worry about. :) If your dentist is happy to wait a few days for the procedure then the abscess itself won't be dangerous either - dentists spend years studying oral conditions and other aspects of medicine and the human body, so they'll know exactly what they're doing and what to look out for. Abscesses are horrible things to have to put up with, so you probably will be feeling a bit rotten right now, but you're not in any danger. :) You're in safe hands with your dentist, and it sounds like your other symptoms are just due to anxiety and nothing more.

28-04-17, 02:54
A tight throat and headaches are very common symptoms of anxiety , so I don't think you have anything to worry about. :) If your dentist is happy to wait a few days for the procedure then the abscess itself won't be dangerous either - dentists spend years studying oral conditions and other aspects of medicine and the human body, so they'll know exactly what they're doing and what to look out for. Abscesses are horrible things to have to put up with, so you probably will be feeling a bit rotten right now, but you're not in any danger. :) You're in safe hands with your dentist, and it sounds like your other symptoms are just due to anxiety and nothing more.

Thank you very much. It really helps when someone reassures me. I just wish I wasn't feeling so rotten :weep: because it really does scare me and makes the anxiety twice as bad. I am calming down though and I've been feeling a little better. Thank you again.

28-04-17, 19:24
Aww, I can sympathise there. I've been going through something similar with an eye infection I've been suffering with - it's healing with the help of antibiotics, but for a while I was feeling horrible because of it and it was sending my anxiety through the roof! I'm glad to hear you're feeling at least a bit calmer, and once you've got the abscess removed you should feel a lot better. :)

28-04-17, 22:19
Im not a doctor but i made the mistake of thinking kids lose baby teeth so let them enjoy candy when little..well guess what? i have delt with my kids having tooth infections and even a root canal each and it has always been antibiotics to get rid of infection before doing any work. Try not to worry the antibiotics should kick in soon. I know its hard to think things are ok when our anxiety is telling us something else.