View Full Version : Lymphnodes again....... freaking the f out.

28-04-17, 02:20
So almost 2 weeks ago I had my physical and had the doctor covering for my doc check my neck out where I have two lumps. They are in my hair line on the back of my neck. She was 30 and usually works in an er but was covering for my doc at her office that day. Anyways she felt them and said she thought they were nodes but felt fine and said she had an even bigger one and that they didn't cause her any alarm to be worried. Had a CBC and all came back fine also. Well today I freaked out and made another appt and this time it was the physicians assistant who checked my lumps out and she said they seem to be either maybe cysts or some inflamed tissue and to leave them alone and they caused her no concern. She didn't see any reason to ultrasound them either. This is why I get scared when it comes to doctors two different ones who work in the same place said two different things! Ugh trying to be positive here! Gonna try my best to not touch for a month and see if they have gone down. Just so scared.

28-04-17, 02:39
They didn't really say different things though hun. They said they were fine. Doctors know what to look for with lymph nodes! They really do. I see a hematologist who is an oncologist and he regularly checks my nodes (three of which have been swollen since 2015) he says no worries so I don't worry

If they both said they are fine they are :)

28-04-17, 13:59
Thanks so much for responding back ScaredLizard! I know you are right I really do and I try and tell myself hellooooo idiot 2 doctors have both said they are not worried so you don't need to be either! Just so much easier said than done! My blood test results were also perfect in January and also just two weeks ago so I keep reminding myself of that also. The PA. yesterday said we could do an ultrasound but she doesn't think it's necessary as she believes nothing sinister is going on. I will just as thy said keep and eye on them but stop playing with them all the time!!! I literally have made the skin red on the outside from playing with them so much and I have done the same to the other side of my neck trying to dig around and find nodes there! Do you think the constant daily messing with them could make them bigger than they are?? I mean 1 doctor is one thing but for 2 to not be worried should tell me something I suppose lol :blush:

28-04-17, 14:45
I still poke and prode one part of my neck from time to time despite being told by 4 docs (and confirmed by ultra sound on my request) there's no enlarged lymph nodes xD dont go this way and stop! I stopped and wont see 5th doc xD lol anxiety will lead you nowhere, and that's the place I'm trying to leave since two months

28-04-17, 14:58
Hey there

I made a long post about lymph nodes a couple of weeks ago, they're one of the most common problems people report on the health anxiety board and of the many I've read none of them turned out to be serious. They can be one permanently swollen if you keep poking them. You've been cleared by 2 doctors so try to leave them alone

28-04-17, 15:37
I know you guys are right! I literally just thought to myself if I read on here (and I have) that 2 different doctors looked at something I would be thinking to myself hello you are fine! Two medical professionals checked you out! I also had my cousin who is an RN take a feel and she thinks they are fine too! My anxiety all started a bout a year ago in pregnancy cause I had a biopsy on a cyst in my jaw and at the same time I lost my Grandma to melanoma and my Great Aunt to breast cancer! Ugh mix all that stress with hormones and I just ran with HA!!! I am on 20mg of the generic celexa and I have weaned off of klonopin because I used it daily to prevent anxiety. I now use it maybe once a month on a really bad day. I was hoping this would go away as I neared a year after having my baby but I just dont think it is. It has been better but not completely gone. It may be time to actually talk to a therapist and try and work through this!

28-04-17, 16:03
Keep calm, we're on the same boat :-) all what we really need now is to have a peaceful weekend! why dont have a one despite all of these fears? I know i'll try and you should as well

28-04-17, 16:33
Keep calm, we're on the same boat :-) all what we really need now is to have a peaceful weekend! why dont have a one despite all of these fears? I know i'll try and you should as well

Totally Agree! One step at a damn time! I will try my hardest to not even think the big nasty C word all weekend and if it does pop into my head remind myself of the 2 doctors who feel I am fine! You do the same! Message me if ya ever wanna chat!

28-04-17, 17:10
The lymph node cycle is a brutal one but keep in mind how sensitive they are to even minor infections. Your blood work coming back clear is also a good indicator that it's nothing to worry about. You'll be fine just take it easy, leave them be and it'll clear up in no time.

28-04-17, 18:05
I am trying my hardest to not poke or prod! Just gotta keep reminding myself that 2 doctors didn't see anything worrisome and either did an RN!

28-04-17, 19:52
Since both said they didn't cause any concern, Don't worry about it unless they start getting bigger. I have on in my neck I have had since last summer. My doctor keeps just checking me every couple months to make sure it hasn't grown. As long as you haven't be having any symptoms with it, I think you're ok.

28-04-17, 20:20
Thanks Moso!

30-04-17, 15:12
Hey guys! So I seen a young 30 year old doctor and a physician's assistant so far for the two nodes in the back of my neck. They are in my hair line and right next to each other. One is larger than the other. Had a normal cbc in January and also 2 weeks ago. The doctor said the nodes did not alarm her and that she has an even larger one and offered me a feel. The P.A. Told me she thought they were cysts but did not even feel just looked. The area is red because I poke and prod and dig my nails in to check on growth all the time. I know that's why it's red because on the opposite side of my neck it's the same way because I try and feel nodes there too but can't. They both told me they aren't alarmed and if they get really big come back. One said we could do an ultrasound but nothing would come of it. They are the occipital nodes from what I can tell. So my mind is hooked once again and I am trying to tell myself not to go to another doctor today but I really want to!! Stupid health anxiety is really messing with me! I have so many good days but I get that random day once a week where it's harder to rationalize and tell the dragon to f off !!! Do I go and just have one more doctor take a feel?? Will it even put my mind at ease?? Do I trust the young doctor who felt them? Honestly the pa I don't trust as she just looked seen redness and never touched. Ugh help!

---------- Post added at 14:12 ---------- Previous post was at 13:22 ----------


30-04-17, 15:14


Positive thoughts

30-04-17, 15:29
Threads now merged together

30-04-17, 18:12
Thanks for merging them together! Sorry I should have done that! Still debating another doctor appointment! Just don't want to waste mine or a doctors time but the what if keeps haunting me!

02-05-17, 17:01
I have 4 palpable nodes in my neck, and also some palpable under my jaw and chin, the one's under my jaw and chin have always been palpable, as for the ones in my neck I'm not sure how long they've been palpable but I discovered them around 7 months ago. The worst thing to do is to worry about them and poke them because this can and will enlarge them even more and keep them enlarged and sometimes they can become permanently enlarged. I had a complete blood count and a ultrasound around 3 months ago, and was told I'm fine and to stop poking them, I will go back soon to have the sizes and blood count checked again for a peace in mind. Get a ultrasound, this won't give you a diagnosis, but it will give the doctors a visual of the nodes and this can show them if they appear suspicious or normal, my nodes were 1.1 x 0.8 and below in my neck, and 1 was 1.9 cm i think in ny jaw, lymph node size means very little without ither symptoms, but of course if you had a 4-5 cm node like a golf ball of course that will be more concerning,but even then it doesnt mean much, as my nephew developed around a 4 cm node on his neck without a obvious cause and his turned out to be benign anf eventually went down though it is still palpable and so are other nodes in his neck. My sister also has palpable lymph nodes just in different places than mine. My 1 year old son has palpable nodes near the supraclavicular area same as me. Im telling you all this to show you palpable lymph nodes are usually normal and caused by something benign,its rarely cancer, in fact, people under 40 years old who have palpable or enlarged lymph nodes only have a 0.4% of cancer, and over 40 its only 4% chance, i wouldnt look at it like i have a 4% of cancer, i would look at it like i have a 96% that its not cancer. I understand your worries i do it too. Stay strong and good luck.

02-05-17, 17:46
Thanks Legend and everyone else who responded!
My doctor put in my visit summary yesterday possible normal lymphnode!!!
Possible is not something I take lightly. Why the hell if she wasnt sure would she not send me for further evaluation?!
She is just basically saying if it is we will let it grow bigger and spread then do some testing!!!