View Full Version : Focal Nodular Hyperplasia

28-04-17, 07:03
Has anyone ever been diagnosed with Focal Nodular Hyperplasia? It's a begine liver tumor. I as just hoping to chat with others who have it? Mine is 8×6 centermeters. Have some more tests to do then will find out if they will remove it. It was found during ultrasound of my gallbladder also having that removed.

28-04-17, 12:27
Not exactly sure what that is but I have a hemangioma on my liver, found the same way.

No treatment needed.

28-04-17, 17:36
Hello its a benign liver tumor its common in women my age (32). I just never heard of them till the other day when doc called to tell me what the MRI showed. Its harmless unless it gets to big. I am not sure what his plans are for it
Right now its 8×6 centermeters.