View Full Version : Worried I will get put on a register if i go to the doctor

28-04-17, 08:48
Hello guys I have finally booked an appointment with a doctor to talk about my anxiety but am really worried that I will get put on a register or something if I tell them about it. I am going as I want to get something to help me sleep nights before my exams. I am not that worried for my exams but a random thought popped into my head "What if i cant fall asleep" before 1 of them in January and since that brought on a whole load of anxiety which was the reason I couldnt sleep and now I dread every day I get closer to my exams and have panic attacks what can i do to help myself this feeling fills me with dread? I have also had health anxiety for ages

28-04-17, 10:36
Hi , I don't think there is even a register to be put on , people who shout and scream in the streets very rarely get sectioned we just don't have the resources, I was so bad they sent the crisis team but after two weeks I heard nothing from them again , go see the doc and see what help is on offer they won't lock you up or put you in a straight jacket they deal with people like us every day , take care .

28-04-17, 11:20
There is no register. All that would be updated are your patient records. With many GP's now, they centralise records per NHS improvements.

Your records are protected by law.

28-04-17, 12:42
I've never heard of a register in my country or any other country. In the USA we have confidentiality laws for medical professionals and patients, actually.

If you need something to assist you in falling asleep, try Melatonin. It's natural, pretty safe and works. You can find more information on it at Examine.com. I've been taking a half of a 3mg tablet for the past few weeks and it helps.

28-04-17, 12:58
I've never heard of a register in my country or any other country. In the USA we have confidentiality laws for medical professionals and patients, actually.

If you need something to assist you in falling asleep, try Melatonin. It's natural, pretty safe and works. You can find more information on it at Examine.com. I've been taking a half of a 3mg tablet for the past few weeks and it helps.

Melatonin is a prescription drug here, sadly. It's accessible through a GP but it's uncommon (I think they use it more in children) so they depend more on Z drugs and benzodiazepines.

Some people seem to be reporting getting Melatonin from Montmorency cherries for sleep assistance. That might be a way around it?

I use Examine.com too! It's a great site.