View Full Version : Been a year since my breakdown

28-04-17, 09:27
It's been a year since my breakdoan which I have now fully recovered from but I still never really understand what happened. That day I thought I had died and I spent 8 days in hospital. They said it was a manic episode or acute stress reaction.

After i suffered lack of toilet movements and sore backs and felt down for nothing. All this passed but I ever understood why it affected me in this way?

Before it happened I was worried about bills and my job and one day I felt I couldn't cope anymore and I wasn't sleeping for a few days then the breakdown happened. When in hospital I had lots of religious thoughts like I had been punished or something and that's why it happened I never understood why I had these thoughts either. I also questioned the meaning of life etc.

So yes I'm back to normal now but why did I experience all this one day I was fine next day not?

07-05-17, 19:31
Chemical imbalance sounds like.

Anxiety causes all our what ifs but also makes ask why, but there is never an answer.

07-05-17, 19:46
I had a major meltdown in February. As I look back on it, I realized it was just not one event. I had been under a lot of stress, a job I was not happy with, college, my children, etc. I too wondered why this happened, my brain just couldn't deal with everything I had going on in my head. We do get better. Once we accept the issues we were worried about will pass. I am working on taking one thing at a time and monitor my thoughts and stay focused in the moment.

08-05-17, 14:11
I had a major meltdown in February. As I look back on it, I realized it was just not one event. I had been under a lot of stress, a job I was not happy with, college, my children, etc. I too wondered why this happened, my brain just couldn't deal with everything I had going on in my head. We do get better. Once we accept the issues we were worried about will pass. I am working on taking one thing at a time and monitor my thoughts and stay focused in the moment.

thats about the time my 5th breakdow started , 13month and still in its grip. 6 med changes 5 detoxs , my body is a toxic waste tip of failed meds . if not for my large family i would be dead by my own hand years ago. its not cool living like this up and down , trigered , bad meds. good meds that work for 1 month then poop , life is grim for a fallen angel i even wear the wing of a fallen angel wround my neck. see mt avatar

14-10-17, 20:01
It's been a year since my breakdoan which I have now fully recovered from but I still never really understand what happened. That day I thought I had died and I spent 8 days in hospital. They said it was a manic episode or acute stress reaction.

After i suffered lack of toilet movements and sore backs and felt down for nothing. All this passed but I ever understood why it affected me in this way?

Before it happened I was worried about bills and my job and one day I felt I couldn't cope anymore and I wasn't sleeping for a few days then the breakdown happened. When in hospital I had lots of religious thoughts like I had been punished or something and that's why it happened I never understood why I had these thoughts either. I also questioned the meaning of life etc.

So yes I'm back to normal now but why did I experience all this one day I was fine next day not?

I had something so similar in August following a miscarriage. I was coping ok, then just lost it. I can't move on from it. I will say that I wasn't hospitalised but I might as well be. I can't wash, can barely eat, can barely get out of bed. I'm staying with my mother who is basically doing everything for me.

16-10-17, 07:41
It's been a year since my breakdoan which I have now fully recovered from but I still never really understand what happened. That day I thought I had died and I spent 8 days in hospital. They said it was a manic episode or acute stress reaction.

After i suffered lack of toilet movements and sore backs and felt down for nothing. All this passed but I ever understood why it affected me in this way?

Before it happened I was worried about bills and my job and one day I felt I couldn't cope anymore and I wasn't sleeping for a few days then the breakdown happened. When in hospital I had lots of religious thoughts like I had been punished or something and that's why it happened I never understood why I had these thoughts either. I also questioned the meaning of life etc.

So yes I'm back to normal now but why did I experience all this one day I was fine next day not?

Ah, sounds similar to me, minus the hospital part.

Had a breakdown last November, and let me tell you, lack of sleep is the catalyst. I swear it is! It’s that little bit that pushes you right over the edge.

One night of no sleep had me in such a state the next day, panic attacks, breakdown, hardly eating, emotional, etc...

When I got home I had a lot of religious thoughts, very spiritual stuff, I think I was just so shocked I had nowhere to turn to. I’m not kidding when I thought I would die. , I said this will kill me. It was like drowning and I was struggling to keep my head up. It was like a bomb went off in my head and I was stumbling through the wreckage trying to put my life back together. It didn’t help that I could hardly sleep and got bad OCD. Those were very bad days, I had real bad depression for awhile. Just wanted to disappear.

Some say chemical imbalance, some say, it’s just a stress overload and the perfect storm. Could be both and it might be neither. Sometimes it’s just how we are wired and it’s in our DNA!

After all this, I went digging for answers and after taking a DNA test and running it through a service called Prometheus I found out I had the “worrier” gene. Some get the “warrior” gene(think Athletes, etc..) and some get a third type. The results even show what anti depressants and anxiety meds you’d be most likely to respond to. Armed with this info, you can accomplish a lot.

So some of us literally are wired in a way that might cause this, it’s not all bad, I am very adept at my job which requires lots of critical thinking and analysis. The bad part is, that same critical thinking can be directly inwardly. I have a one track mine, I can focus intensely on one thing and recently it’s been myself.

For me, understanding why I am this way has given me some relief. It’s also good to know that I’m not going crazy, it’s just how I’m wired.

Above all else, the most important thing I found during my crisis was, take it one day at a time. When I was not sleeping for up to a week, I just said, one more day, one more day... I eventually got through it when the fear of not sleeping left me. After a week of hardly any sleep, I just stopped caring and let it all go. That night I slept like a rock.

So Phil, id say that there is no easy answer, rather, just lots of stress and a propensity towards feeling anxious in the first place. Best thing you can do is keep the stress down and take it slow, one day at a time.