View Full Version : Hayfever

01-05-07, 17:12
The last couple of days my eyes have been very bloodshot, itchy and stinging. I also have a snotty nose and a dry throat and cough.

I was wondering if I have hayfever, I also had the problems with my eyes last summer. BUT, I've googled it and it would appear that you sneeze a lot with hayfever, which I haven't done at all.

Does anyone have hayfever without the sneezing?


01-05-07, 17:34
hya xx
yeh i got hayfever..and i dont sneeze..i just have like ichy/stingy eyes and throat and some of your symptons too.

remember that on the internet, they give you an overview of the symptons, you may have more/less..you may not have them all.

:hugs: :hugs:

01-05-07, 17:51
My daughter gets really irritated eyes without the sneezing...shes been really bad this last week....sound like you have hayfever to me.

luv Coni XX

01-05-07, 18:06
Hi Kate :D

Sorry to hear you feel you may have hay fever :hugs: :flowers:

My neice had these symptoms a couple of years ago, ( no sneezing) she did have her eyes tested and was checked over by GP, but it turned out she had hay fever. It was strange because it seems to have not returned in awhile.

If its really bad, pop along to your GP he may be able to give you something or go the the chemist and ask there.

I do hope you are feeling better soon.

You take care


01-05-07, 19:27
I don't sneeze that much with hayfever.

Just get an itchy nose and eyes and hate it!