View Full Version : Foods to cut out for acid reflux?

28-04-17, 10:20
I have an ongoing throat problem which the doc thinks is acid reflux (silent reflux). It's driving me crazy, this constant lump in the throat / being strangled feeling that I've had for two months now and my voice is hoarse too. It's really making me anxious that it's something sinister even though I'm trying to put my faith in the doctor!

I'm due to have some tests (ultrasound and throat camera) to be on the safe side, but in the meantime I'm taking Omeprazole.

Haven't seen any improvement despite taking it for two weeks, so I'm now looking at my diet to make sure I'm eating the right foods for this condition and avoiding those that will make it worse!

The thing is that I do eat really healthily! So I'm not sure what to cut out. I eat a balanced diet, with plenty of fruit and veg, lean meats etc. In fact, when all this came on, I was having salads everyday!

I eat blueberries every day and am now wondering if these are on the foods to avoid list. Have googled but getting mixed results and just wondered if anyone else who has experienced this knows what foods to avoid?

Catherine S
28-04-17, 12:01
You could try googling 'acid producing food' as there are things on the list that you wouldn't expect that can aggravate your stomach. Also, acid reflux can be the result of a weakened sphincter, which is the trap door just above your stomach. This normally keeps stomach contents inside but if weakened it can let stomach acid up into the esophagus and can irritate the throat. This weakness usually comes with age though...i'm 63 and have had acid reflux for the last 2 years only...but it can happen younger as a result of excessive alcohol consumption or in heavy smokers.


28-04-17, 14:29
Check out the FODMAP diet.

Positive thoughts

28-04-17, 20:20
Thanks ISB and Fishmanpa. I'll check out what you've suggested. Hoping I don't have a weakened Sphincter! I'm 36, don't smoke, but have enjoyed more than a few glasses of wine over the years.

To be honest, I used alcohol as a crutch for while to help me wind down. Was subconsciously trying to keep my anxiety at bay. Was having a couple of glasses of wine most nights for a few years, but really cut back towards the end of last year once I realised the units were adding up.

Haven't had much alcohol this year at all, just the occasional drink now and then. Just hope I haven't caused any damage to myself from before.

Catherine S
28-04-17, 21:58
No, that's not excessive at all so don't worry.... I only mention the sphincter because it can sometimes be a reason for acid reflux. But at age 36, I doubt yours would be damaged at all :lac: So it looks like you need to look to diet as has been suggested :)


28-04-17, 22:52
Apple cider vinegar and raw ginger in hot water helped me with strong acid reflux I got from taking painkillers without food. Cappuccino is one thing that makes me have it bad.

Clydesdale Epona
29-04-17, 07:18
Its trial and error, some things are worse for someone than other, my doctor said to only eat brown bread but that and Weetabix gives me the most horrendous acid on the planet. definitely check out the fodmap diet and experiment with different things x
I highly doubt its anything worse than silent reflux, I have it rather bad myself and recently had a barium test that came back all clear :)

All the best :hugs:

04-05-17, 15:12
A little late to the game here, but the "lump" feeling in your throat is a symptom of anxiety that many people - myself included - get called "Globus Hystericus." Did they say anything about that?

I ask, because I went through something rather identical. I went to an ENT who did the scope up my nose and down my throat and check me out, all to be clear of any tumors (my first thought and fear, of course!) I then went to a Gastroenterologist who just started to prescribe me medication after medication and nothing helped with the "silent reflux" that I supposedly had. All I'd get were side effects from the medication like joint pains and all of that fun stuff.

If I get reflux now - which I originally linked to my chest pain, but it was anxiety all along - I take Apple Cider Vinegar diluted in water or Tums/Gaviscon. ACV has been incredibly beneficial for myself back in the day during the days of uncertainty and would help with whenever I had these "attacks of acid reflux," which was primarily just anxiety. Placebo effect? I am not sure, but it helped nonetheless. Plus it has other benefits. Just make sure not to take it straight! I take a tablespoon an an entire cup of water and just chug it daily.

29-07-17, 23:19
I know this is an old post, but thought I'd add a few things that worked for me with acid reflux. I was prescribed Omeprazole but now only need to take it occasionally if I know I'm going to be eating a lot of spicy food out or stuff my face at Christmas or something. I now control the reflux with diet. Things that worked for me:

Ginger tea. In the morn this settles my stomach for the day. You can make your own from fresh ginger which costs very little. Grate about a tablespoon full into boiling water (always use more than you think you need and get a tea infuser/teaball to put it in) and let it steep for 10 or 15 mins or longer with a cover on. I tried ginger tea bags, but they are nothing like the real thing. You can also eat slices of the fresh ginger to have the same effect, but a lot of folk don't like it. Oh, if your oesophagus has been damaged by the reflux as happened to me, the ginger is a great anti-inflammatory and helps to heal it.

Apple cider vinegar. Dilute a tablespoon of it into a glass of water and sip. Tastes not too bad. It was recommended to me by my doctor.

Cut out alcohol and caffeine or cut back. It's trial and error what works for your body as others have said, but no coffee (gasp! yep I struggle with this), caffeinated tea - including green tea which has caffeine, chocolate, carbonated drinks/sodas :(... no joy in life... just kidding.. sort of :p

Cut down on or avoid citrus fruits and juices, and for many people tomatoes are bad. You're basically trying to cut down on acidic foods. Eat loads of leafy greens and veg based juices.

Fat free or low fat dairy seems to help me and I avoid fried foods now, which seem to irritate.

Small meals spaced out through the day helps me.

Hope any of these might help someone.