View Full Version : Pus on Gum

28-04-17, 11:57
So a few days ago, I had this horrible painful feeling on the left side of my mouth. It radiated all the way to my cheeks, my head, my neck, and until now it does that constantly. I have been feeling generally unwell (and my health anxiety is just making it worse). So I went to a dentist and had my teeth examined. He did an X-ray on me and found out there is pus building on the bottom left pocket right on my wisdom tooth. The dentists cleaned it and scheduled me on another day to get it cleaned and possibly drained. He also gave me antibiotics and some painkillers.

Now, the pus has not erupted but the symptoms still remain. I asked the dentist about it but he says that the symptoms has nothing to do with the pus in my gums. Imagine the scare that gave me because it would mean that I had something else going on aside from that thing.

I don't know anything about dental problems and what they do to your body so if anyone has any experience having pus or an abscess on their gums, can you please enlighten me because I feel horrible and it's not just because of these symptoms. My anxiety has been getting worse that it's the one keeping me up at night and not the pain inside my mouth.

28-04-17, 12:28
Hey well you said around your wisdom tooth. That tooth might be pressing against another tooth and it's causing the pain or the infection might have irritated a nerve.

My son went through similar recently. His was the tooth was just there irritating three teeth. So they had to put a spacer to help. He's all better now it took about a week after they did the procedure for him to find relief.

28-04-17, 12:54
Hey well you said around your wisdom tooth. That tooth might be pressing against another tooth and it's causing the pain or the infection might have irritated a nerve.

My son went through similar recently. His was the tooth was just there irritating three teeth. So they had to put a spacer to help. He's all better now it took about a week after they did the procedure for him to find relief.

oh I meant the area where my wisdom tooth is supposed to be growing (it still hasn't come out yet). The dentist insists my symptoms have nothing to do with the my current dental abscess and it's making me panic even more. I'm glad your son found relief! Hopefully, I do too once this has been drained.

28-04-17, 14:59
Why aren't they going to extract the tooth? Most people don't have room in their mouth to let the wisdom teeth grow in. Its due to evolution and we don't need the wisdom teeth for chewing and eat. Since they cause so many issues, they are usually extracted. I fail to understand why the antibiotics haven't cleared up the infection. Why is the dentist putting you through this . He is cleaning the tooth??? Why does the infection need to be drained, does this mean he is going to slice the gum in order to drain it? The antibiotics should clear it up. I just don't understand why he is putting you through all of this. Is he a dentist or an oral surgeon? I would get a second opinion if I were you. Wisdom teeth are very large and can cause extreme pain when they are trying to come through the gums and with an infection on top of that I am sure you are in a lot of pain. I have worked for an oral surgeon and they don't let their patients walk around in pain. This situation as me really confused. Keep us up dated and I hope you find some relief.