View Full Version : How do I know it's not a stroke

01-05-07, 18:03
I just had my worst panic attack (?) in a while. I have them every day but they are usualy small panics but this, whatever it was, was terrifying. when I moved my head I was so dizzy and out of it, and my heart was all over the place (nothing new there as it is in a weird rhythm most of the time). The intense worst bit must have lasted about 5-10 minutes but I have been knocked out all day by it. I was so dizzy it was lucky I was sitting on a wall I guess. If anyone had spoken to me I don't think I would even have been able to have a conversation - so I am really worried about this one. How do I know it wasn't some kind of ministroke?

01-05-07, 18:47
Hello !
Sorry to hear you've been bitten by the panic attack monster ! What you describe is classic. If you have any doubts see your GP to put your mind at rest - you don't need the added anxiety.
Be kind to yourself

01-05-07, 18:51
Hi there,

You say your panic attacks usualy last only a few minutes but this one was alot longer! I think this will be why you are feeling so out of it, they say a panic attack is like doing an aerobic workout, so it's bound to make you feel really tired. I just had a small one about 5 minutes ago and my hands and legs are still shaking like mad, it's just a nightmare , the whole thing!

Hope you feel better soon

01-07-09, 01:40
No I don't think you had a mini stroke.... you'll know if you do one side of the body goes floppy for a few hours...

01-07-09, 12:59
FAST abbreviation is usually used for indication of stroke.

F-Face. Smile is distorted, and crooked.
A- Arms. Reach is impaired, as well as ability to walk, your vision might be impaired
S- speech. Talking funny, slurred speech, unabilty to corresctly say words.
T-Time. It is crutial to call 911 as soon as you can. if you start expierencing these symtpoms. and tell them you think you are havign a stroke.