View Full Version : Neck lump....frantic with worry

28-04-17, 13:50
Hi...I am 43 year old female with HA.

I have a small lump in the very Base of my neck almost above my right collarbone. I have been to my gp who had a good feel and he says it's not a lymph gland more likely a bit of muscle or tissue ot gristle. He said come back in a month if its got bigger we can scan it but it will be nothing. Why can't I believe this.it's driving g me crazy, ruining every day. I can't stop thinking it's lymphoma or cancer. Help please.

28-04-17, 14:28
Essentially you answered your own question.

Why can't I believe this?..... I am 43 year old female with HA.

The node issue has been discussed to ridiculous lengths recently. It comes down to therapy and/or meds. We could give advice till the cows come home but you have to be in the right place to accept and act on it.

Positive thoughts