View Full Version : Toothache (top left wisdom tooth)

28-04-17, 16:18
I have a bad toothache, and I'm really broke right now, so I have no idea when I'll be able to get the dentist. I've brushed my teeth, I've taken ibuprofen, and I even dipped some apple cider vinegar in some paper towel and placed on my tooth, to alleviate some of the pain. It would fine be though if I could just stop swallowing so much. Every time I swallow my tooth aches. The only thing helps is when I sip water. Am I supposed to sip water all day? This sucks I barely got any sleep last night. I went to bed at 5:00 am. I hate this. I don't want to take any risk with my health.

bin tenn
28-04-17, 16:36
In my (very similar) experiences, I'd highly recommend forgetting about money and sucking it up and seeing a dentist. Do so before it gets infected/abscessed, though it may already be there.

28-04-17, 16:52
Please see a dentist, you dont want an abscess I have had one or two in the past and there are not fun, sooner you go and have it looked at, the less treatment you would need. I am no dentist but it sounds like an abcess could be forming