View Full Version : Help..? A little embarrassing but scared!

28-04-17, 21:18
Hey guys..

So about 5 days ago I noticed something on my foreskin. It's on the outside of the foreskin (so just on the skin, im uncircumcised) so not on the actual penis.

It was 2 very very tiny little specks next to each other. They were a little red and had little white heads when looking closely. They are about the size of a sesame seed combined. If that. Very small.

Anyway, they do not hurt. They are not sore and do not itch around the area. But i'm freaking out about herpes. (TMI i haven't had sex recently, only oral sex - sorry, but for the purpose of someone helping... lol)

I popped them, kinda. difficult because they are so small. But the heads keep coming back up. They are wet underneath when I break/pop them. Just like a pimple would be on your face etc.

From googling they don't sound too much like herpes (symptom wise). Nor do they sound like warts. They are more like little pimples. And they are not on the penis, just the top of the foreskin.

Any idea? Would you be concerned?

---------- Post added at 21:18 ---------- Previous post was at 20:30 ----------

Ok so my mother has a sebaceous cyst and shes squeezed it a little to show me. Mine does the same. White under the surface and you can see it. Almost like it needs to be popped. But where mine is, i dont want to. I might see the doc and see if he/she can help.

Do you think it could be a small cyst?

28-04-17, 23:17

This is something where it's impossible to conclusively Dx over the internet. However from your description it certainly does not sound like HSV or any other sexually transmissible virus.

If you have Sudocrem to hand, try rubbing that on the affected area(s) if they're bothering you. I'm certain you have nothing to worry about at all, however if they continue to bother you, see your GP