View Full Version : Litany of Symptoms

28-04-17, 22:54
This is my first post of this kind, although I've been reading this forum for awhile now. I certainly struggle with anxiety but am struggling mostly because I don't know if it's more serious than that. The more concerning symptoms have popped up within the last couple months.

Basic Symptoms:
Dry Eyes
Dry Mouth
Dry Nose
Acid Reflux
Pleuratic chest pain
Sharp pains in chest and abdomen
Extreme Fatigue (occasional)
Shortness of breath
Ears ringing

Concerning Symptoms:
Eyes are acting weird: seem blurry sometimes with floaters, occasional flashes of light, distance reading is tough sometimes, rare sharp pains
Shaky Hands
Fingers twitch when hand outstretched
I wake up several times a night with complete numbness/pins and needles, most frequently in both pinkies and ring fingers up my arm(s), sometimes a whole side of my body or both arms, back of head, top of leg, my chest. This goes away quickly upon waking/moving (most terrifying symptom).
Pinky finger and ring fingers feel weak during the day.
I've dropped my phone a handful of times (never happens to me)
Occasional numb pinky toes and outside of feet
Extreme night sweats, sometimes on only one half of my body

Has anybody experienced the widespread numbness/tingling while sleeping and had it go away/attributed only to anxiety?

Thanks for any responses.

30-04-17, 03:38
All of the above. Positive vibes, the best thing to do is try and distract yourself and not think about it. The numbness in my hands went away after a couple of months and comes back o ly when I'm feeling stressed. I have the dry eyes and mouth, my ears ring too. I had acid reflux which went away when I had a colonoscopy that said I was fine. So honestly, I think it's all in our head. There was certain at one point I'd lost weight from just my feet and my I couldn't walk on them and my feet were hurting. Strange how that doesn't even bother me now?

You'all get through it! Have you had any tests?

30-04-17, 13:11
sounds like me the past few months. Ive been a wreck since October. Had almost every symptom known to man. Lately its been the hands and fingers, before it was legs and calves, before that arms. Ughhhhh

01-05-17, 16:03
I had a lot of these in the past two months, including the impaired vision one that used to terrify me a lot.
Also waking up with numbness/tingling all over my body, I went to A&E in the middle of the night twice over this, but it was just a consequence of panicking in my sleep. Once I finally believed that it was just anxiety (and fixated on other symptoms lol) it went away in a span of a week. Now I still get it but only when I panic. It's a pretty common anxiety symptom though at least as far as I know.

02-05-17, 04:39
Yup! Ignore it if your doctor says you're fine(hard I know)

15-05-17, 18:55
I suppose you are not sleeping well since you are fatigued and have dry eyes. Dry mouth is a very common symptom of anxiety. Anxious people drink a lot of water when under stress. I had some pretty scary symptoms too. It started with my heart racing, then dizziness, tremors, twitches, constant hunger, burning sensations, frequent urination, tingling in fingers. I had blood work done, ecgs, I've seen a cardiologist, endocrinologist and a couple of doctors in the ER. They all said it was anxiety/stress. Once these subsided, I started to feel weak in my left arm amd calf. Then it moved into my right calf. I still get numbness at night on and off for the past two months. I had it in my fingers as well. I usually wake up with half of my upper leg feeling numb or my big toes or heel. Now I do not have as many symptoms. The toes from my left foot feel strange as though they were numb but they are not. I will see a neurologist next week for my peace of mind. But I am also very freaked out about it.