View Full Version : Nausea in mornings

29-04-17, 07:21
So over the past week I've felt nauseous when I wake up. It does tend to wear off if I keep sipping water. (I'm defo not Pregnant). It lasts for quite a While. Feeling sick is one of my anxiety fears anyway :(
Anyone else had this?
Its put me off eating breakfast. So annoying and horrible!

Katie xx

29-04-17, 10:41

It could possibly be gastritis and GORD. Don't worry this is nothing serious. Gastritis where your stomach lining gets a bit irritated - do you take any of the following:

* Aspirin/Ibuprofen or other NSAIDs
* Spicy food
* Drink alcohol or smoke

If so, try eliminating those foods. If not, ask your Doctor to trial you on Omeprazole or similar. In the meantime, you could purchase Zantac/Ranitidine from Tesco/Boots etc and see if that helps.

The nausea could also be secondary to anxiety - in this case, treating the underlying anxiety would help.