View Full Version : Scared of sepsis .

29-04-17, 08:26
Hi everyone.
I was having pain the night before in my tooth, that radiated straight to my temple and cheek. The next morning I went to the dentist. She did an X-ray and confirmed the tooth was dead and there was some infection in the X-ray too. And said I need a root canal today. A few hours later, I came back from my root canal. And when they were done I noticed my cheek was swollen. The other cheek was not swollen. Is this normal? I went to sleep and woke up at like 3:00 am and was hot and scared . I took my temperature and it was 97.5 F.

I'm worried. Why is it so low? Shouldn't my temperature be higher? My temperature is never this low. I also forgot to point out that I took amoxicillin at 6:00 pm and 12:00 am. So I take it every 6 hours. Do you guys think it's the s woddb?

29-04-17, 11:20
What are you worrying about, it just sounds to me like an inflamed gum.

29-04-17, 14:22
Face swelling will happen with extractions, root canals and such, especially if you have an infection in the tooth, this is normal.

Don't focus so much on your temperature, you have an infection and your body is fighting it so you're bound to feel a bit off. Keep taking the antibiotics and let your body do its thing.