View Full Version : Bone Cancer (among other worries)

29-04-17, 15:30
I've suffered from HA for about 25 years now, ever since I found a lump in my leg at age 26, turned out to be a large (grapefruit-sized) osteochondroma. Benign, but the fear and trauma of the what-ifs triggered my lifelong general anxiety and I have never been the same. I was a mother of 3 young children then, and of course terrified that I was going to die. I had surgery which removed 90% of the tumor, surgeon couldn't get to a tiny piece, had follow-ups for 5 years at which point he told me to "go live my life" and that the chance of recurrence was so small, it would take me to age 90 to have it grow that large even if it did.
Well, I did live my life but am still plagued by medical worries about myself, my spouse, and especially my children. Any test, any ache or pain sets me off again, especially when under stress.
Lately I have been having some pain in my leg and am convinced the tumor has grown back and must be cancer. The leftover lump does seem larger to me now and I'm thinking it's pressing on something and causing the pain. I'm googling and scaring myself, trying to stay calm and remember what the actual doctor told me, not Dr. Google. I vacillate between thinking it's my imagination and wanting to race to get an xray. I know it's unlikely that it's anything, logically, but now all I can do is focus on that leg. My mind is powerful, I know that, and I have been here, done that before, finding something wrong and as soon as the "disease" is ruled out the pain magically goes away.
Thanks for "listening," am glad to know that I'm not alone in this horrible panicky place. :scared15:

29-04-17, 16:40
I'm sorry to hear you too have HA. It sucks so badly. For some reason I'm much more logical towards my children's issues that my own. I'm not entirely sure why. One thing that has helped? I don't google ANYTHING I have anxiety about anymore. Ever. LOL

29-04-17, 16:42
One thing that has helped? I don't google ANYTHING I have anxiety about anymore. Ever. LOL
This is such great advice, thank you for the reminder. Google is evil, lol.

29-04-17, 16:54
This is such great advice, thank you for the reminder. Google is evil, lol.

I wish I had more advice but honestly I don't lol I just try to help in anyway I can! Also do you take baths? I recently read that warm baths can help lower anxiety as a whole :hugs:

29-04-17, 17:14
I wish I had more advice but honestly I don't lol I just try to help in anyway I can! Also do you take baths? I recently read that warm baths can help lower anxiety as a whole :hugs:
We actually just had a hot tub (and swimming pool) installed and I do find that it helps. I've also just started taking some homeopathic supplements that seem to take the edge off.

01-05-17, 17:27
Update: under the advice of my friend who is a therapist, I called to make an appt w/my GP for x-rays and a referral to a specialist if needed. Now, just waiting for Friday's appt. :scared15: