View Full Version : Just been diagnosed with anxiety

29-04-17, 16:22

I was only diagnosed with anxiety on Thursday. I do believe I have had it for a while now. This year has not been a great year si far. My partner is quite poorly and is waiting for an operation my nan died and so did our cat. I feel like nothing is going the right way.

I have been given -10mg of propranolol and I'm scared in taking my first tablet. I'm not having a very good day today as it is I'm so on edge and I'm always shouting at my hold for the silliest of things

I am looking for people that are in the same boat I am feeling quite alone atm.

29-04-17, 17:41
well if you have a med take it dont look at it , you have a number of things going on in your life when it settles i dont think your long term anxiety

29-04-17, 19:04
Hi Emma

It's hard going when you first get an anxiety diagnosis and you probably have lots of questions floating around in your head.

Don't worry about taking the propranolol, 10mg is a low dose and is quite good at stopping the nasty physical symptoms of anxiety, it should be enough to take the edge off while you work through the things that have triggered it.

Don't worry you're not alone and there is lots of support here should you have any questions!

30-04-17, 03:28
It sounds like you're having a terrible year so far so no wonder you're feeling anxious and depressed but things will settle. The meds will help you through this difficult period but when life becomes calmer again as it will do, you need not always take the meds unless you wish to. They have been given to you to support you through this bad spell but if you keep moving forward and keep looking for enjoyable things to give your stressed mind a break, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to get on with your life as before.