View Full Version : Bone pain - tough times

29-04-17, 18:40
So for the past few weeks I've been dealing with shooting type pains in my legs, which I am now feeling all over. Arms, shoulders, tingling in fingers. I am now worrying myself daft about bone cancer or lukaemia. The pains feel like deep achy or shooting pains, not muscular but nerve-like or achy joints. I have had the odd better day. Last night and today I've felt better but the pains are coming on again tonight. I am trying to convince myself that if I had anything wrong I wouldn't have any relief and it'd be constant. I have a history of HA and am seeing doc next week. Can anyone relate to this and does anyone have any words of wisdom?

01-05-17, 18:16

24-08-17, 23:43
Know you posted this a while ago but wondering if you got to the bottom of it?