View Full Version : Heart rate

29-04-17, 20:43
Hi everyone. I keep testing my heart rate and it's usually around 65. However I've just been to football and got really stressed. I got on the train amd calmed down a bit and my heart rate was 103. Now I'm scared should it go up when sitting even if stressed. It's now 92 and I'm a bit stressed.

29-04-17, 20:50
Anxiety will cause your resting heart rate to increase. Being scared of it will cause it to increase which will make you more scared which will increase it even more and so on.

Our heart rate varies minute to minute, don't worry about it, it's normal.

29-04-17, 20:59
Thank you, bloody anxiety

29-04-17, 21:06
103 is still a normal heart rate and barely tachycardia (over 100). My HR varies anywhere from 70-155. The other day at the dr I was having white coat syndrome and it was 125 on their monitors. You are definitely normal and likely stress and anxiety have made it rise.

29-04-17, 21:08
No problem, it's a common worry and heart symptoms ate often the first trigger for people. If it becomes consistently annoying have a chat with your doctor, they might be able to give you something to calm it down short term

30-04-17, 08:38
I checked this morning and it's 67 again so I think it was the stress of the football. I made myself have a massive headache and be sick for ages because of stress. The fact that it's come down is Good?