View Full Version : Numb Patch On Back?

29-04-17, 20:44

The past few months I've noticed that in the middle of my back slightly to the right that I have a numb patch of skin about 4 fingers together wide. At first I thought it could just be my bra band but it's slightly lower than it.

Does anyone else have numb patches on their back? I don't get back pain in that area so I don't think I hurt myself or anything. I'm worried it could be something serious. Please reply :( nervous wreck here.

29-04-17, 21:17
Ive had this a few times, in between my shoulder blades but slightly lower! I currently have a numb patch in the centre of my chest which is causing me all sorts of concern!

29-04-17, 21:21
Oh dear :( seems like we both have a bit of something going on!

Does it stay for you or come and go? I think I've had this a few months solid now and I don't know what to make of it! I was hoping it was my bra band but it's not under it it's just below it and it's a sizable numb area.

29-04-17, 21:54
ive had a couple of numb patches on my back for about a month turns out it was just anxiety

---------- Post added at 20:54 ---------- Previous post was at 20:53 ----------

once i was reassured its only that and nothing else they funnily enough slowly disappeared (i think so anyway tbf i stopped checking)

29-04-17, 22:11
Anxiety can cause numbness? I've noticed my numb spot months ago and it's not changed. I forgot about it for awhile until my partner gives me a back rub or if I'm giving myself a back scratch around where the bra band sits and I'll it a spot I can't feel, I'm wasn't fixated on it till tonight :(

29-04-17, 22:26
anxiety can easily cause numbness its pretty common as far as i know

idk if thats the case with u but i would assume if there was something wrong you'; have other worse symptoms too

02-05-17, 04:41
I've had this same thing! Wow!

Also my right big toe... crazy!

21-09-17, 13:05
I know this an old thread, but in case anyone revisits wanting further assurance, I get numb patches on my back too. I've had one for 4 months. Sometimes i can forget about it but when I remember that it's there, I panic and lo and behold, a new patch pops up! This time on my hip. 3 different doctors have all told me it's nothing to worry about.

24-09-17, 07:33
I have had a numb patch on my back, a little to the left of the spine midway down. It started off as weird pins and needles when my arms were extended for too long (like doing the dishes) now that doesn't happen but it is reduced sensation there. I have had it well over 10 years now. Could be a depressed nerve?

Mrs overthinker
24-09-17, 17:13
Just come across this thread while experiencing the same put in my top under arm... going through a massive anxiety stage at the moment and wonder it this is what's brought it on?