View Full Version : UTI,sepsis,luekiema...whatever..

29-04-17, 22:13
today i went to the doctor complaining about problems.."down there"(discharge after period,itchiness,no pain when i pee though) took a urine test and said nothing was out of ordinary,said i had protien in my urine. so she gave me diflucan suspecting i just had a yeast infection. alright,so that should have made me feel ok right? pshhh

I went to a different doctor after that,still panicking about a UTI,thinking "oh god what if it turns into sepsis overnight!!" took another urine test,found luekocytes in it..said it was a possible uti,sent for culture.gave me cipro (antibiotic) Said the test will be back by Tuesday.

I'm too scared to take the cipro because of the side effects and what if its not a uti and i take them and something happens ,but I'm scared not to take it because what if I do have a UTI and it turns into sepsis. what if the second urine test was wrong...all of these what ifs... :weep:
Also slightly worried that I have two infections at the same time,which sparks my Luekiema fears all over again.

i'm in a real pickle here as you can see

PS: I already toom Diflucan,I didnt start the Cipro yet because I'm in a frenzy of panic right now.

29-04-17, 22:33
Ok, let me try and break this down a little.

You go to a doctor expecting a UTI but are told it's most likely a yeast infection.

You don't believe the doctor so you go to another one, doctor finds something different that MIGHT be a UTI and gives you antibiotics.

You get antibiotics but don't want to take them because side effects. You are now doubting if it even is a UTI while at the same time worried it is a UTI and then all of a sudden it jumps to leukemia?

You're stuck in a health anxiety spiral here so let's try to look at this rationally.

The worst that will happen when you take the antibiotic if you don't have an infection is that it won't do anything at all. It won't harm you.

The sepsis fear is completely irrational, it's the anxiety talking.

I don't really know what to do about the meds, perhaps someone else can shed some light on that.

What I do know is that your health anxiety is taking over and you should discuss treatment for it with your doctor.
Reassurance will only work for so long before you find something else to worry about then you're right back to square one again.

Hopefully someone can advise on the medication issue but if not the best person to ask would be your doctor.

29-04-17, 22:55
Ok, let me try and break this down a little.

You go to a doctor expecting a UTI but are told it's most likely a yeast infection.

You don't believe the doctor so you go to another one, doctor finds something different that MIGHT be a UTI and gives you antibiotics.

You get antibiotics but don't want to take them because side effects. You are now doubting if it even is a UTI while at the same time worried it is a UTI and then all of a sudden it jumps to leukemia?

You're stuck in a health anxiety spiral here so let's try to look at this rationally.

The worst that will happen when you take the antibiotic if you don't have an infection is that it won't do anything at all. It won't harm you.

The sepsis fear is completely irrational, it's the anxiety talking.

I don't really know what to do about the meds, perhaps someone else can shed some light on that.

What I do know is that your health anxiety is taking over and you should discuss treatment for it with your doctor.
Reassurance will only work for so long before you find something else to worry about then you're right back to square one again.

Hopefully someone can advise on the medication issue but if not the best person to ask would be your doctor.

When you look at it logically like that,yes,thats everything I'm fearing at the moment.
My post was written in a bout of anxiety,so sorry if it came off confusing.

My sepsis fear is irritational? Could you shed light on how?

29-04-17, 23:00
My sepsis fear is irritational? Could you shed light on how?

In the same way a UTI will lead to leukemia irrational ;)

Positive thoughts

29-04-17, 23:13
In the same way a UTI will lead to leukemia irrational ;)

Positive thoughts


29-04-17, 23:45
Well I'm not a dr but I am a female who has struggled with UTIs AND Thrush.

I do not think you have a UTI. Your first dr gave you meds to kill thrust. THAT will make it seem like there are leukocytes (White blood cells) in your urine because of the closeness of the area. When yeast dies off your vagina releases white blood cells because it's killing the yeast.

You got the proper medical treatment from your first doctor. Especially if your pee is not cloudy and you are not having pain.

I would not take the antibiotic and I would call the first dr back if your symptoms haven't improved in three days

ETA: You will not go from a UTI to sepsis overnight. UTIs turn into sepsis after being ignored and untreated for weeks sometimes months.

30-04-17, 01:09
Well I'm not a dr but I am a female who has struggled with UTIs AND Thrush.

I do not think you have a UTI. Your first dr gave you meds to kill thrust. THAT will make it seem like there are leukocytes (White blood cells) in your urine because of the closeness of the area. When yeast dies off your vagina releases white blood cells because it's killing the yeast.

You got the proper medical treatment from your first doctor. Especially if your pee is not cloudy and you are not having pain.

I would not take the antibiotic and I would call the first dr back if your symptoms haven't improved in three days

ETA: You will not go from a UTI to sepsis overnight. UTIs turn into sepsis after being ignored and untreated for weeks sometimes months.

I took the Difuclan after coming home from the second doctor but I think I have a theroy now that you have said that.

edited: Maybe it was just discharge,I was on my period before this happened and it was brown clunky discharge,so perhaps its all done now because I went to the bathroom recently and had no brown clunky discharge

30-04-17, 01:13
I took the Difuclan after coming home from the second doctor

Your body was still fighting the infection. Also TMI but having sex? Will lead people to have leukocytes from their vagina for up to 4 days. Because of irritation. Infection does the same thing.

30-04-17, 01:16
Your body was still fighting the infection. Also TMI but having sex? Will lead people to have leukocytes from their vagina for up to 4 days. Because of irritation. Infection does the same thing.

I'm a virgin,but you have made me feel a lot better now that youre saying this stuff to me :) thanks

Catherine S
30-04-17, 01:24
I had a UTI last year without any symptoms. It showed itself when I took a urine sample in for my routine yearly MOT, and the dip-strip was so yellow it was illuminus...lit up the room! The nurse almost reeled away from it lol! She sent some off for testing and I was given antibiotics to clear it, which they did.

But your question on the thread, can UTI result in sepsis or leukaemia and I would say no. Anybody suffering from these conditions would have seriously debilitating symptoms. Do those symptoms include uti's? Who knows for sure. Its like asking if migraines end up as a brain tumour. Not very likely.


30-04-17, 03:55
I disagree with the poster who said if you take the antibiotics that nothing will happen. I'm not saying anything will, BUT you should never take antibiotics unless you have a confirmed bacterial infection. Personally I would wait until the culture comes back. If it's positive and sensitive to Cipro then take it. But if there is no infection then don't! There are super bugs because of antibiotic resistance because they are way overprescribed. There is also always a risk of C Diff when taking antibiotics. I've had that three times and it's horrible! I'm no doctor but you already had one that said you don't have a UTI! Relax and wait for the culture to come back. In the meantime drink lots of water.

30-04-17, 04:28
I took the Difuclan after coming home from the second doctor but I think I have a theroy now that you have said that.

edited: Maybe it was just discharge,I was on my period before this happened and it was brown clunky discharge,so perhaps its all done now because I went to the bathroom recently and had no brown clunky discharge

Very likely! It can take up to 4-5 days after your period for you to no longer pass any discharge that has microscopic blood cells and leukocytes.

30-04-17, 14:51
I disagree with the poster who said if you take the antibiotics that nothing will happen. I'm not saying anything will, BUT you should never take antibiotics unless you have a confirmed bacterial infection. Personally I would wait until the culture comes back. If it's positive and sensitive to Cipro then take it. But if there is no infection then don't! There are super bugs because of antibiotic resistance because they are way overprescribed. There is also always a risk of C Diff when taking antibiotics. I've had that three times and it's horrible! I'm no doctor but you already had one that said you don't have a UTI! Relax and wait for the culture to come back. In the meantime drink lots of water.

Sure, hence why I was hoping someone else could advise about the meds or better yet ask the doctor.

It's always confusing when you have two different doctors giving you different opinions. I didn't exactly want to come out and say "don't take them" because then that puts the responsibility on me if it did turn out to be an infection.

Doctors are notorious for giving out antibiotics like sweeties, but that's on them.

Hope you feel better soon purplewitch

30-04-17, 15:53
Sure, hence why I was hoping someone else could advise about the meds or better yet ask the doctor.

It's always confusing when you have two different doctors giving you different opinions. I didn't exactly want to come out and say "don't take them" because then that puts the responsibility on me if it did turn out to be an infection.

Doctors are notorious for giving out antibiotics like sweeties, but that's on them.

Hope you feel better soon purplewitch

I'm not telling purplewitch not to take them. Only part I disagreed with you was that they "won't" harm you. Most times they probably will not. Sorry for any misunderstanding! I'm also not telling her to take medical advice from an anxiety message board! I was just one of the unfortunate victim's of C Diff for taking an antibiotic "just in case". So I'm a little touchy about antibiotics "just in case". Sorry! This was just over four years ago and my bowels have never been right after C Diff. I had it three times and finally had to consult with an infectious doctor and he's the one who told me I was one who can never take antibiotics unless I in fact do have a bacterial infection. It is frustrating that most folks in the medical community shell out meds a lot of times "just in case". I guarantee if any of them had C Diff or any other super bug they would think twice about shelling out antibiotics just in case. Yes, if you have an infection, then they are a must, so I'm NOT saying don't ever take them. Just make sure you need them. Again I'm sorry for any misunderstanding.
I do agree that the OP is in a spiral and I do hope she is better! Hopefully she will give an update soon.

30-04-17, 17:41
I'm so scared to wait because of sepsis but I am waiting for the results...

30-04-17, 18:46
I'm so scared to wait because of sepsis but I am waiting for the results...

We can not give medical advice but I have never ever heard of itching or vaginal discharge being a UTI symptom. Only ones I've ever heard of are burning/painful urination, frequent urination often in small amounts, cloudy urine and sometimes foul smelling urine. If it's in the kidneys you'd have flank pain, fever and sometimes vomiting. You have mentioned none of these. It's hard to get an actual clean catch urine sample from women because we have bacteria from our skin that surrounds the urethra, bacteria in the vagina and discharge which can get in there which can show up in the sample as bacteria. That does NOT mean it's bacteria that causes a UTI. The dipstick test doesn't distinguish between what kind of bacteria gets in there. That's why they send it to culture. My doctor explained this to me once before. You need to think rationally. If you had sepsis you most likely would not be on an anxiety forum. You'd be at the hospital. Relax! If you are in doubt see a doctor, even though you've already seen two, but just from reading here, it sounds to me like your biggest issue right now is an anxiety spiral

30-04-17, 18:48
I'm so scared to wait because of sepsis but I am waiting for the results...
Sepsis shouldn't even be in your head.

30-04-17, 19:19
I'm not telling purplewitch not to take them. Only part I disagreed with you was that they "won't" harm you. Most times they probably will not. Sorry for any misunderstanding! I'm also not telling her to take medical advice from an anxiety message board! I was just one of the unfortunate victim's of C Diff for taking an antibiotic "just in case". So I'm a little touchy about antibiotics "just in case". Sorry! This was just over four years ago and my bowels have never been right after C Diff. I had it three times and finally had to consult with an infectious doctor and he's the one who told me I was one who can never take antibiotics unless I in fact do have a bacterial infection. It is frustrating that most folks in the medical community shell out meds a lot of times "just in case". I guarantee if any of them had C Diff or any other super bug they would think twice about shelling out antibiotics just in case. Yes, if you have an infection, then they are a must, so I'm NOT saying don't ever take them. Just make sure you need them. Again I'm sorry for any misunderstanding.
I do agree that the OP is in a spiral and I do hope she is better! Hopefully she will give an update soon.

Don't worry, I wasn't offended or anything like that, it's a bit hard sometimes to tell just by words how someone means something, wasn't having a go or anything like that so I'm sorry if it seemed that way. I just tend to be a bit cautious when it comes to medication so it's good others could give some insight.

Agree with doctors dishing out antibiotics unnecessarily, my gp practice has notices all over the building now asking people to stop asking for antibiotics for minor illnesses.


Also agree with the above post, sepsis is an irrational fear at this point especially since others have now reassured you that the first doctor was right all along.

30-04-17, 19:53
Don't worry, I wasn't offended or anything like that, it's a bit hard sometimes to tell just by words how someone means something, wasn't having a go or anything like that so I'm sorry if it seemed that way. I just tend to be a bit cautious when it comes to medication so it's good others could give some insight.

Agree with doctors dishing out antibiotics unnecessarily, my gp practice has notices all over the building now asking people to stop asking for antibiotics for minor illnesses.


Also agree with the above post, sepsis is an irrational fear at this point especially since others have now reassured you that the first doctor was right all along.

No worries! Glad you weren't offended!

30-04-17, 21:18
TMI but I think I'm constipated and gassy and now I feel pains near belly button,and sides and stuff so I'm scared but still no pain when urinating

I've been looking things up too much so maybe stress...