View Full Version : Tonsillitis

29-04-17, 22:22
I have white stuff on my tonsils, my throat hurts and my throat lymph nodes are swollen. At first I thought it could be a cold, which would be unusual for me, as I had one almost 2 months ago, when I got sick (cold which then moved to sinuses) 2 days after being vaccinated against Tetanus.

Could this infection be a result from the first one? (I never took antibiotics or anything) Could it be some sort of resisting strain of some infection? Could the vaccine have caused my immune system to become compromised (don't get me wrong, I'm obviously not anti-vac)?

I have feeling like this. I thought always that my immune system is great, but now getting sick 2 times in 2 months is a bit much.

What were your experiences with tonsillitis and sore throats?

Clydesdale Epona
30-04-17, 00:52
First off I've gotten sick twice in 2 months and so has my partner and family I think its just something going around x

I've only had tonsillitis once(last summer) and I didn't realize until day 4, the back of my throat really ached, I couldn't swallow at one point, I was nauseous, occasionally feverish, I looked like the plague, and everytime I sneezed or coughed I cried from the pain.
of course everyone is different though so if you think its bad and you've had it a while it won't hurt to go up to your doctor x

All the best :hugs: