View Full Version : Oral Thrush, donyou really need an anti fungal

29-04-17, 22:22
So I have what I assume to be oral thrush. Some sores in my mouth, dry mouth, white tongue. My fiancé has asthma so it's a possibility I got it from her or that I've been having sleep problems lately and have been stress. Who knows. Being a hypochondriac I've read up it enough to worry myself about it spreading. Didn't look at statistics for that though I'm sure it's rare. I've had a headache today and don't know if that's from it or not. I'm wondering though if I actually need to be seen at the doctor or if it will just go away on it's own with at home treatment.

29-04-17, 22:42
I mean, I'm not a doctor but I assume it would clear up on its own with good oral hygiene. Give it a couple of days and see if it clears up and if it persists have a doctor look at it.

30-04-17, 13:43
Thanks for the response. That's probably what I'm going to do. I've been eating lots of yogurt as I've read that helps. Anyone else had Oral Thrush?

30-04-17, 13:58
Hi Think it does have to be treated with Antibotics in other words don't think it's just goes away by it's self. Your fiancé will need to be checked to as you don't want to be re infected. Sorry for the incorrect info Deepseathree :) Cheers

30-04-17, 14:30
I have asthma and have had it a few times. No treatment, it went. I'm not saying don't ask though, it's sensible to treat something.

Thrush can also come from a lack of healthy bacteria since that keeps it in check. That's one reason why steroidal Inhalers cause it. So, you could add some healthy bacteria and see if it helps e.g. yoghurt. Yoghurt is an old remedy for vaginal thrush for the same reason.

Thrush is very common. The bacteria is always there in us. It's easily treated and done in the millions probably daily.

02-05-17, 23:29
Thanks for the response Terry. My fiancé has asthma and she has it so it's possibly I might have picked it up from her. Who knows. I've actually started eating a lot of yogurt the last two days to help gut health. Probably going to also start a probiotic. I guess I'll mention it to my doctors office tomorrow and see what is said. My problem was I searched the Internet and found cases where it can spread through your body and cause a bad infection. I know that's under extreme conditions but I can't help but think negatively.