View Full Version : whats going on?

02-05-07, 04:27
o.k. so i havent posted under this thread befour!
im 21 got ocd and cfs, i am on zoloft and have been on them for around 3-4 months now! i dont feel like their doing anything allthou my mum and stepdad feel they are helping abit! well anyway lately ive been getting very depressed, i used to suffer from depression from the age of 12 to 18, then i was fine bout ive just started feeling strange, one moment i can be happy the next i can be depressed and very angry for no reason!
could someone please tell me what you think is going on?
most the time i dont even feel like myself anymore!
hope to hear from you guyz soon!
thanks. :flowers:

02-05-07, 13:07
Hi Carla,
Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time. Am I right in thinking Zoloft is the same as sertraline over here? Most anti-depressants start showing some effects after 4 to 6 weeks, though from personal experience, I would say they take a full six months to become fully effective. Are you receiving any other form of treatment to complement the meds, like CBT or counselling? It sounds as if you're having mood swings and experiencing de-personalization. I found Evening Primrose Oil and Vitamin B6 helps us ladies cope better. What are cfs? It's good your parents say they think the pills are working-sometimes we may not feel that great ourselves, but if outside observers notice signs of improvement perhaps they are helping.

02-05-07, 13:08
PS Another good place for any queries about Zoloft/sertraline is to use the search facility and the top of this page or look in the medications forum.

03-05-07, 00:03
yeh thats what zoloft is!
cfs is- chronic fatigue syndrome,
im gonna see my dr sometime soon and see what she as to say,
but i didnt get depressed till starting these pills,