View Full Version : Any advice will help

30-04-17, 01:21
Ok so for about 2 1/2 years now I have had chest pains rapid heart beats ect. I've had so many test done to the point of being over extensive and basically being told there is no hope lol. First things that were done was a stress test, EKG and an echocardiogram. All which came back relatively clear. I had a low ejection fraction on my echo which lead to a heart cath last September which came back clear.

I was also sent to a pulmonary doctor which diagnosed me with asthma. My GP diagnosed me with anxiety and basically that's what it was all thrown up to. I continued to have issues which lead my GP to recommend me to a Gastro. I had a EGD done which found a peptic ulcer. I was given PPI to control my stomach but still didn't resolve my issues. Multiple emergency room visits finally lead me to just believing it was just anxiety and it was all in my head. After trying multiple anxiety meds none which worked I was out on Klonopin which seemed to work and then slowly stopped.

I remained fine for quite awhile until here recently. My cardiologist gave me a 30 day Holter monitor that found nothing. I was recently at work sweeping when my heart felt as if it was pounding I checked my heart rate which was 157. My work sent me to the emergency room again to find nothing wrong. I called my cardiologist and be put me on a beta blocker I took it the next day when it was filled and ended up having to call an ambulance due to continuously fainting. The beta blocker bottomed out my blood pressure.

They did a orthostatic test on me to find I may have SVT as my heart rate increases largely when going from a laying position to fully standing up. I failed this test twice. I have continuously complained if being able to see my heartbeat not only in my upper abdomen but also in my left breast. They are now referring me to a Electrophisiologist to see if I have SVT or something on the cellular level wrong with my heart. I am 6'4" 315lbs. Im not a small guy and everything I've read said you shouldn't be able to see your heart beat if you have a lot of fat which I do haha. Im not saying I don't have some anxiety because believe me I do, but after 2 1/2 years I may be on my way to finding an actual cause for it.

I am very concerned about being able to see my heart beating and it feels like it's working so hard. Any advice would help. Sorry I wrote a book in here but I'm just concerned and hoping someone out there has experienced anything similar to this. Once my GP diagnosed me with anxiety it's like any doc I see just blames it on anxiety.

30-04-17, 01:30
Many people with anxiety say they can see their heart beat. This never happened to me so I can't really relate to it. But you have done the right thing seeing your doctors and they are clearly taking your concerns seriously. It may turn out to just be anxiety because anxiety can cause a multitude of symptoms. I hope you get answers soon.

30-04-17, 04:40
Hey sweetie! You seem like me! You have heart issues AND anxiety. And together they suck! I have POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) as well as SVT. I see a cardiac electrophysiologist and trust me they are smart dudes and dudettes.

It sounds like you might have POTS which is what I have. It's big 'identifier' is that your heart rate goes up over 30 bpm upon standing from your resting rate.

30-04-17, 20:04
Thank you both for the reply and it wasn't until recently that my heart doc took me seriously it was like pulling teeth to get them to keep looking into it to be honest. And yeah I have no clue what it is or what it could be. This all hit me all of a sudden a few years back I've never had anxiety or any issues it was just one day boom and it's been hell ever since. My heart rate laying down stays around 60-70 sitting up it goes to 95-100 standing up it shoots to 120s or higher. And if I do any type of work it's in the 150-160 range. Which has become very problematic for me. My employer will not let me come back to work until my heart rate is under control because they see me as a safety hazard. So they are basically running me dry on money. I've used all my vacation time my short term time and I'm using fmla time just to get to the bottom of this.