View Full Version : Throat pain still

30-04-17, 09:20
I'm going out of my mind with worry, about a month a go I had a cold which has now gone. I'm left with a really sore throat just on the left side when I swallow. I found what I thought was a white fleshy lump at the back which moved around if I poke it with a cotton bud. I went to the dr who said everything looked normal (she said she couldn't see the lump) but it's there I can see it. I've now got an ulcer at the back of my throat which is quite red all around it. I'm convinced it's throat cancer and contemplating going to see a private ENT. We are taking the children to Florida Disney In 7 weeks and I just feel I won't be going to do having something seriously wrong with me. My Hubbie just tells me there's nothing wrong and I feel like the boy that cried wolf and this time there is something wrong :-(

30-04-17, 09:24
Gargle with warm salt water 4 times a day. It works wonders.

You don't have throats cancer. You would have other symptoms.

30-04-17, 09:31
I have been doing that, it's really hard because it's an actual symptom not just something my anxiety imagined.

30-04-17, 09:34
I used to get sore throats a lot with my anxiety. I always put it down to the way I was breathing. People with anxiety tend to engage in shallow breathing. You don't even realise you are doing it.

30-04-17, 10:13
Thank you for you reply I'm going to keep doing the salt water and go back if things don't improve after another week.

30-04-17, 14:37
Honey also helps and marshmallows! I'm in Michigan and with the weather changing daily everyone around here has lingering coughs and colds!! My sons doctor said the coughs and throat irritation can last weeks to months!